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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Bomber did you just fill up at BP ferny grove?
  2. Guys the fg engine and and 6spd are already set in stone as he has already purchased, and at the price he's paid. Pretty good deal. So let's just roll with it. He tows a camper as well so it's not all just about going fast, the manual will serve him well and it's what he wants having considered quite a lot of options. So let's just roll with it. Like I've said before gunna you should be working closely with Jamie from this point nutting out the finer details as he will be tuning it. Don't listen to us lol....u know how the saying goes in regards to opinions.....I dunno if you plan to put the motor and box in yourself. But there is a good chance it will be making the trip to FPT on a tow truck if you do. Pretty sure there is going to be a bit of mucking a round tuning wise before it's even able to start making dyno runs let alone driving it a few hours to get there.
  3. Uh, I think its up to you mate. 500rwkw out of a modified 76 seems a bit far fetched but im keen to be proven wrong on this one.
  4. Sounds like the goods, wat about fuel pump ect?
  5. Just kw is fine mate lol, and im a queenslander... Sounds impressive, does he mean full boost 2000rpm earlier, coz that's a farkin big difference??? It's pretty expensive when you factor in the cost of a turbo to then spend the 1600 on. Lucky you have a good one already. So would want to be good given the turbo you could buy for for that money. Pretty much 100% bolt on though.
  6. Its possible for sh*te to get stuck on the shaft sensors and throw codes like that, though the fact its only throwing a code for one gear could suggest its slipping as Wiggum said...
  7. Just take it easy man and it should be ok. What are the planned mods?
  8. Just a touch high imo, bout 20mm at the back and maybe 10-15 at the front
  9. That's an interesting looking turbo, probably worth it since the fg turbo is pretty much new. Must be a special wheel, haven't seen any other billet wheel stockers push 500+ rwkw. Has he got any more graphs showing the spool?
  10. Well this has a weird vibe for a gunna thread, last two pages were quite constructive... Im actually looking forward to seeing how this turns out mate, time for a thread merge/title change/new build thread maybe?..
  11. If you could pick up a bf turbo loom and pcm you could run the dual knock sensors and proper dual phase vct. Without double checking I'm not sure if bcm would need to be changed by icc cluster ect should be fine. Then you could sell a complete motor/box conversion Actually that's probably more trouble than its worth, probably have to track down the correct abs module N sh*te again....
  12. Talk to Jamie mate, honestly he should really be be sorting out the finer details from here now you have a direction. He's tuning it at may have a preference on things. Sort out what clutch you want and just drop it all off to him. Fg donk needs an engine mount moved, dipstick re drilled pan changed and oil pickup moved which requires un torquing a main cap. Fg also has 2 knock sensors and ba has one. Talk to him about doing it, he will probably look after you on little bits and bobs cheaper than you can get them if he's charging quite a bit of labor.
  13. Fg im fairly certain, luke187 could best answer that as he has a tr6060 in a ba.
  14. Aeroflow one is like half the price as well So you got a good motor and box sorted...for under 6k! That leaves quite a bit of your budget. I say you load it all in the back of the ute, drop the whole shabang at FPT and let them do their thing.
  15. .....I used them a few times when I had 19's, really rate them for same reason ad arron. Grip is really surprising for the dollar
  16. Yeah I did sorry man, as you were... I like the look of arronm's setup which is a hurst shifter I think
  17. Wait wat? lol. So the testaments from people like HIPSI sticking 1000hp through a stock one had nothing to do with it? My point was I wouldn't trust a btr. T400 with gear vendors overdrive would be sick but you will need to rob a bank. The manual will be awesome, oh and I believe the only difference between tr6060 and t56 is extra synchros in the tr6060, so t56 testaments are still valid
  18. Sounds like a sales pitch to me, you have a ute so there is far less to break as far as the rear end goes. So this BTR that can handle 500rwkw with ease seems to have quite a few buts. I dunno how it is these days but previously "built" btr's just utilised older btr parts from earlier models, as ba's were a bucket of sh*t with plastic pump gears and fine thread gears that are piss week, older models had coarser(noisier) stronger gears. An AU pump is another popular mod which you already have. Not sure about frictions but there is most likely after market stuff available. Dunno bout the shaft being the week point, seen a stuffed xr6 turbo btr getting pulled down and the damage was to the sun gear, planetary and annular teeth Shaft was fine.... One thing I know for certain the tr6060(fg manual) wont let you down, and you have the opportunity to get one with 6000ks on it for 1700 bucks!! Im not suggesting that the direction you should take, do what you want, I just think the btr will end up being rebuilt...again and again..if I spend 5k on a box I want to be able to abuse the sh*t out of it without worrying..
  19. Yeah they seem to take the abuse, most complaints are rollover noise and they aren't the slickest box but there are shifters available that will help with that somewhat. Though stripes did genuinely seem to have a problem with a low k box not wanting to go into 2nd in his gt... Honestly mate im not sure which way you should go with the box, apparently a t400 is nearly 10k once its all said and done...?
  20. Fat people on mobility scooters that claim they can't walk due to circulation problems or whatever, lose some weight your a f*cking disgrace.
  21. Lmfao quagmire: "yes Peter that is very hot but I'll deal with it in the morning, right now I am exhausted"
  22. Zf really isn't an option at this stage, had he of used a bf turbo donor during the original conversion it would be. In fact it's such a massive job on a ba you may as well buy a bf/fg, for the reasons mentioned above the manual would be my choice, you won't ever be faster than a good auto but you will get close with practice. I feel the same as capt about the btr and I think "will handle 500rwkw with ease" is bullsh*t
  23. Gearbox is pretty simple conversion really, that's reasonable for a box with 6000ks on it I would say. Your going to need tail shaft(modify yours to suit seeing as its already built or sell it), pedals cross member, definitely a clutch, one of the manual guys will have to recommended a clutch im not sure what best for your desired power level, malwood option 3? Something from NPC? Probably a better option seeing as you want to tow still and have streetability. Otherwise t400 if u just want to race it I think 5700 for a complete fg donk including turbo/manifolds and 6spd manual all with 6000ks on it is pretty damn good
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