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Everything posted by barnz

  1. TomT, how is the rebuild going mate?
  2. f*cking humans hey... Im all about natural selection. You dont see animals putting controls in place for the retarded ones do you?
  3. Trutrac is the go, putting a std xr6 lsd in is really only worth it if you can do it yourself, if your paying somebody to do it, you will end up a few hundred bucks off a trutrac installed, for a 2nd hand diff. Not really worth it.
  4. Imo given they are about the same price, the extra options in the g6et far out weigh the LSD. For example its much easier to install an lsd on a g6et than it is to get memory seats and mirrors working in a xr6t. Given a majority of us change the suspension, xr's included. Its hardly a selling point.
  5. Lol I was gonna keep going but im all out of bullsh*t
  6. Why? He has enough muppets. I couldn't possibly meet his high standards anyway....
  7. Wrong again, then you need a cumbersome earth strap. If it was me I would have just slapped one of these babies on the dash in surface conduit.
  8. Jet has NFI, the pelican used cumbersome household connectors........
  9. I'd say a nuns clacker would be far from tight...... cozvagofflimits....
  10. My sentiments exactly HI PSI. Anybody else have a proper build thread going atm?No... So enjoy or GTFO
  11. Nah that's within spec mate all good cheers
  12. ^^^Pretty sure I can borrow one off the old man if you need it gunna
  13. Lol he already has one matty.......I did say just put the fg rear housing on it but I would probably want to use the fg core with 6000ks on it as well. Just swap the front cover and wheels over maybe? (The fg engine with 6000ks on it he scored came with turbo, manifolds the lot......4 grand. Bargin I think)
  14. Pelican bellend is better........ Shouldn't have said that if history is anything to go by it will end up being my name........
  15. It does yeah, look up Mr fpv on ebay
  16. The particular day care my son goes to requires proof of immunization and will not allow children that aren't. Simple, effective policy. Why the f*ck is it not the law.....because if they make it a law I guess then they are liable in the 1 in gazillion chance when a kid gets autism or fkn whatever it is the hippies are worried about. Usual piss weak Australian government. It just really pains me to hear of parents heart ache when they have lost a child because of some other irresponsible f*ckwit
  17. Bad news pisses me off, sounds arrogant I suppose but it's every day. Found out the other day 2 mates from school committed suicide about a week apart, stripes mate passing away, oh and on the way to work I hear on the radio a couple is pleading for new immunization legislation after their 4 week old passed away from hooping cough yesterday, when you have your own kids that sh*t is heavy. I can only begin to imagine their heart ache. I try to be a happy positive guy but ffs, the world is so depressing....
  18. As ratter has already said, accurate injector data is what makes the KPM and ID units so desirable. Without that and generic injectors it can make the tuners life hard(such a hard life tuning performance cars aye...) and may never get it quite right without said data.
  19. They wont fit, fg injectors are shorter. 1500's seem's a little large for you application however why not? Pretty small cost difference in the scheme of things
  20. Lol stripes, he can use diff wheels at the track, where you are allowed to go fast, otherwise power skids to the max I say..
  21. Pretty sure he was asking why those tanks have dicks...
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