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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Smashed my head on the sunglasses holder mmmmkay
  2. Well that will teach not to get into the drivers seat from the passenger side...seriously how the fark?
  3. Yeah the S/C GT-E is and probably the rarest of the S/C FG's. Lets face it the GT-F is just a GT with a F on it and a very mild tune I still hate my g6et because of it. Needs moar Miami. Very jelly
  4. I know what your saying mate, but it's just not like that. He has to run a commercial load rated, like a light truck tyre. I've been pulled up with my box trailer which has 17inch tickford wheels on it, tyres rated at 730kg each and the trailer probably weighs 400ish kg. It's rated to carry 750kg. The coppa tells me they need to be 6 ply pieces of sh*t or something. To which I reply "wait so it's OK to have them on the car plus the weight of the trailer on the car(single axle trailer) but it's not ok to have them on just the trailer because......??????" he looks at me blankly then says "oh well that's just the law mate sorry" and that's pretty much all their is to it. It's probably a law that was legislated in fkn 1952 or some sh*t......
  5. He can't even get it certified for less weight coz it's a factory 1 tonne. Little ridiculous given they were avaliable from the factory with less carrying capacity and larger rims.
  6. ^^^this, replace it, its cheap. If that doesn't help pull the rocker cover off for a peak and check the timing while your there.
  7. Ha, slot cars....looks like a grow room to me, that's a pretty bright light capt, its not normal to put a HPS in your attic.. But seriously that would have been a karnt of a job well done.
  8. Lol stripes, you never make money on cars and a falcon will never really handle that well, relatively anyway. BUT I still 100% agree with you. So does everybody else really. Like I said though he needs to do what HE wants. Gunna, its the way these engines make power, more specifically torque that breaks sh*t. A modded fg turbo in hard and early is going to kill that btr...eventually.
  9. The only way that will happen is an after market ecu. Haltech are doing some really nice stuff these days.
  10. It's dat bullsh*t torque curve that makes it so good but biz, not the overall figure. Have you been to the track yet since the last round of mods?
  11. Me want! Erm...for my son of course...who is 1...
  12. To be fair that's probably pretty good k's for a b series? My fg has 110 thou. The last one I linked seem like a pretty fair deal even though it's a BA. Was just a quick search anyway, just getting some burly in the water... He should do whatever it is he wants to do anyway, not what people on the Internet say and not what the missus says...
  13. Mate he's just f*cking you around, I'd also question this engine, will probably turn up with no turbo and manifolds at this rate. You really need to have a good think about all this. Like rab I belive it's time to move on. "Something major to change the flow" was a good way to put it.
  14. Yer I dont see the sentimental value, its not even like you're daewoo story. This car has given you serious butt hurt.
  15. Lol wat would you regret? Chalk it up as a learning curve. You did gain a lot of knowledge on these cars. Knowledge that's of value to you with the next one...;-)
  16. I cannot possibly fathom how you got the ok from the boss to spend like 20k on the lemon but a new car is a bad idea? Im probably gonna get a holiday for over use of that meme lol Boom, job done: Check out this Ford Falcon Ute. http://www.carsales.com.au/private/details/Ford-Falcon-Ute-2003/SSE-AD-3191694 Lol ok ill stop..
  17. Yeah who's car is it? Shes got like big brakes and everything. Telling you to waste money on a btr, its 2015 MANG! That orange one is quite nice, I quite like the interior. Also digging the wing on the hard lid. Nice set of mmmmaybe black wheels, 11 inch rears
  18. Sell that 2 Check out this Ford Falcon Ute. http://www.carsales.com.au/private/details/Ford-Falcon-Ute-2006/SSE-AD-3239170 Check out this Ford Falcon Ute. http://www.carsales.com.au/private/details/Ford-Falcon-Ute-2007/SSE-AD-2252469 Check out this Ford Falcon Ute. http://www.carsales.com.au/dealer/details/Ford-Falcon-Ute-2007/AGC-AD-17399173 Infact dont even sell the engine, call that pelican tell him it's coming back, hes paying the freight and get a refund. Hes bending you over as well.
  19. Sell it, whatever you get for it is mods money for the new ride. Sell it S E L L I T B R O
  20. ffs mate wtf.....that's just bullsh*t. I've always been a supporter of yours Gunna but enough is enough. It's this farkin car. It started way back when the dealer that sold it to you bent you over. Its a lemon, bad omen f*cking whatever. some cars just do this to you it's weird but it happens and most car enthusiasts will have a similar story. I've been there with a supercharged Calais(v6). Its time to wipe the slate clean mate. I think a zf bf2 xr6t ute would suit you and your needs nicely. You could be out shopping for a f*cking mint new ride my friend. Don't waste any more hard earned on the bucket. Please!!
  21. Lol 12months? Get caught driving whilst suspended? Ive lost mine a few times...for 3 months though.
  22. I say cut the guy some slack if you haven't followed up the email with a phone call. He has to work all day, run a business as well so paper work ect. Then have a life as well. Probably gets alot of time wasters to mate. Have you let him know that your motor and box arrives very soon? So he knows your serious and this is actually happening. Not just some guy dreaming. What you really want to know immediately is what pump and springs you want so you can do that and get the motor and box in. Realistically your a little ways of seeing Jamie anyway. Id say call atomic?
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