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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Nah hit it up last night so all good there. Just sick of karnts, getting old(29 lol), I dunno...
  2. Oh ffs really? What a load of sh*t. Old mate has obviously taken the OP for a muppet. You could put fkn canola oil in and it would make the same power until it blew up........
  3. A vpn is not for free data....only traceable ip address will be the one provided by the vpn not your isp. Also allows you to access region specific content. If the vpn server is in merica for example you can access hulu ect.
  4. f*ck I am sick of seeing new members come on here, ask a simple question, get told not to bother or go to another forum. The f*ck guys seriously? If you dont have anything to say that actually pertains to the question being asked. Shut the fk up. Its what HE wants to do! OP: as jet and panda have eluded to different states have different requirements, I would consult a local engineer for the exact answer. Good luck with the project!
  5. Was just jokes stripey I do understand despite being a karnt about it lol. That front is pretty much what I was on about a couple of posts back. Very similar to fgx but not so blunt.
  6. Well given your 98 tune is off by around 40ish kw which is pretty much the same as your e85 tune it seems like that power is being lost somewhere, most likely the box. Is it making a weird wharring noise?
  7. Yeah coz that thing doesn't look tough just sitting still.........look at it ffs lol. the fgx looks tough and you know it jet. Seen a xr6t ute in traffic yesterday and they look fkn mint in the flesh.
  8. That housing looks pretty normal for a stock tune they are pretty fat. Loctite is just doin its job and hasn't been heat cycled a thousand times yet so hanging tough. Turbo bolts well.....just one of those things ford cant get right, even after 12 years. Funny but not funny about the engine stand lol, that's sca gear 4 u.
  9. I bet you are making more like 400ish, you know your having gearbox issues so probably no point running it down the strip to back up the numbers. Autotech aren't muppets either so I doubt it's in the tune. I rekon build the box and get the converter sussed if their is even an issue with it at all, and it will pull 400 without changing the tune. The numbers just dont add up, unless he was ridiculously conservative with the timing on the e85 tune id say the power is just not making it to the treads coz unhappy box. Did u get a 98 tune? if so what did it make?
  10. Coz the factory tyre placard says he cant and qld transport are stubbon retards, end of story. Their are plenty of load rated options above 16", the fg 1tonners can have 17's. Like a said, qld transport are difficult. Its the size of the rim that cannot be changed phil, not an issue of wether larger load rated tyres are available. Its retarded coz karnts buy style sides, whack a tray on it and run whatever they want all the while overloaded. Yet if its registered as a 1 tonne and the po po see larger wheels they are all over it. Can thank wankers in "mini trucks" for that.
  11. Its the grille that lets it down ive decided, everything around it looks great, the lights are a huge improvement over the fg and the lines on the outer edges of the bar around the fog lights are nice, and I actually quite like the rear. Its this unified front end bullsh*t that's ruined it, something we got a taste of on fg2 which I think was much better executed cause it didnt just drop off a fkn cliff at the bonnets edge. Somewhere between fg2 and fgx would have been Infact just thinking about it, how much of a waste was fg2, all it did was hurt the value of fg's and left less fruit for fgx. Had it have gone fg to the new look fgx with the new icc, instead of what is effectively a firmware update for fgx. People may have felt more incentive to upgrade.
  12. Lol great skid, even aaron would approve.
  13. Id say t3's are a necessity, given you can only run the smaller rotor and like to do track days they are going to get a hiding. I havent found any other rotor that can take the abuse, ive warped stockos and rda's first hiding, yet to warp the t3's. Gunna from memory, t3 fronts, t2 rears(they dont do much work and solid discs are sh*t anyway so no need for t3 rears unless ventilated imo) qfm a1rm pads all round, braided lines from race brakes Sydney and new front hubs(bearings were a bit average) cost me just shy of 1k. I will go the pmu ns400 pads next time around though, same price and as good as a1rm's im told, without the noise and dust.
  14. I think your right lol, I should have paid more attention.
  15. A turbo pcm and engine loom is really going to be necessary. It can be tuned without like a supercharged N/A conversion however the engine doesn't "know" its boosted. Which limits its potential, as does its compression ratio, rods ect. But lack of boost control is going to be the biggest issue. Im all about a turbo ghia(bf fairmont I assume?) infact im dreaming up a fairlane specced bf wagon with turbo/zf running gear. And the ideal way I would go about achieving that would be a good wagon as a base, a wrecked fairlane donor and a wrecked bf turbo. Its the only way to ensure you have everything you need. I would suggest if you want to do it right source a wrecked bf turbo.
  16. sh*t ending for a 3hr movie I thought. 6/10. If your mind is blown by that sort of gear check out the series Cosmos by Seth Mcfarlane.
  17. ^^he cant coz 16" rims. T3's, PMU pads and braided lines is about as good as its going to get. Parachute maybe? The fg engine was a great buy at those km's and will max out the turbo he has safely. Whats the point of any more than 450ish with a btr?
  18. U going to use that fg rear housing? They are of a better material than b series.
  19. Gunna's battery relocation is one of the nicest ive seen on a ute but would probably be a chit on a style side. As it would be inaccessible. Honestly I think your causing yourself a world of hurt wanting to go factory airbox location with the nizzy plenum and an fg crossover? Not having a stab or anything mate but that's not going to look stock b series anyway lol. Done tastefully with black piping ect the battery relo/turbo side looks very stock to the untrained eye. Infact its how it should have been from the factory, less complicated, and logical. But good on you for setting a goal and striving to achieve it, no matter how difficult.
  20. What sort of tyres are we talking about here? I have 275 advans(or some sh*t...) and it will spin them easily in 4th 60k's in the wet. My 245 nexen n6000 would hold 4th as you squeezed to WOT in the same conditions. Tyres make a huge difference and I know what you mean by un drivable. These cheap pos are like driving on an oil slick on ice.
  21. That looks awesome, suddenly I feel the need to build a race car.. Did you do a run at this round?
  22. It sure does, having not seen how he fell exactly we had to take the precaution. Fluff, ive seen him fold his pillow in half stand on that, then he is high enough to use his arms to push himself up lifting his feet of the pillow. This has to be how it happened, and yeah I think its time to convert it to the bed as well. No where near as far to fall.
  23. I know what u mean fluff, our little bugga climbed out of the cot (still have nfi how....it's 2 high) all day at the hospital just to keep an eye on him. You can't be to carefull with potential head injuries I guess but fark it is a depressing place to be.
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