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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Lol that's awesome for an e10 tune. What e10? I find 94 e10 pretty hard to come by in Brisbane. Some 7-11's have mobil 94 and pretty sure united has it also.
  2. Wow that's good news they are fixing it. Cant be as bad as looked then. Getting a fully sik letterbox under insurance as well lol?
  3. Didnt realise it was short only till he pointed it out. Fkn lol Relax mate you had more bad luck. As others have said its not actually that bad, and you got all the bolt on's and goodies at a good price. Its really not a fail. Youve done the right thing by contacting jamie about a builder. Jet066 wont be built by tbre this time I belive jamie has sourced another builder under some sort of sponsership deal. So relax he will point you in the right direction. Sell the ba donk complete it will go towards the fg rebuild. Reeeelaaaax maaan and stop taking the farkin internet so seriously.
  4. That's epic I hope its true. Put a smile on my face reading it. Really about time xr6t got brembos from the factory I mean ffs.
  5. Lol^^^^ Mate ford actually build these engines quite well. So don't just think cause its just rods pistons and pump gears any muppet can do it and make it live a long time. You could put a nice rotating assembly together and because it wasn't screwed back together with all the little tricks and knowledge that comes with knowing these engines, you could lunch it faster than a stock bottom end. Now in saying all this not every barra has to be built by tbre. But you should know from past experiences. Make sure the karnt you are giving your hard earned to knows what the actual fark he is doing!
  6. Nice, hey do look pretty much new I know with the pbr fronts you can just swap the brackets around rh to lh ect. if they are from a different series. Not sure if it works on brembos.
  7. All those parts are interchangeable but some are different. Ba/bf block different dipstick location. Can be changed. B series heads are different. Fg has a slightly smaller "improved" chamber design. Timing gear is same. Cams differ. Sumps are different, oil pickup location is different. Can be easily changed.
  8. I've used tapatalk for nearly 2 years now and double posted maybe twice, then I realised if you don't get a on screen msg saying reply successful and it times out or the spinny thing just keeps going. Don't just hit post again...refresh the page, it may have in fact been successful if not. Hit post again.. If you want to save a long msg as a draft press the button to add a picture then press back. It will be saved. Go back to thread later press add picture(the plus sign to the left of the text box) you will be given an option to insert the saved draft. May your tapatalking be less farking annoying.
  9. Be very surprised if it goes in your favour mate but I'm hoping it does. Will make a pretty big difference to value as you have pointed out.
  10. The fark was with this karnt panda, if it hasn't sold for what u want the price probably doesn't reflect what the market is willing to pay. He should be thankful he was finally able to sell it! Obviously he hadn't had a better offer than yours........or he had and knocked it back.....so left u a nugget.
  11. that's interesting cause I just assumed spark only would have resulted in the 'fart' sound the fg's make as unburnt fuel ignites in the hot exhaust? Coz I've had a couple of proper BOOMS with flames and all.
  12. All this talk of best of both worlds is making me bit suss on u 2.....
  13. Yeah paying alot for convenience I think.
  14. 1m is still much better and easier than stands. besides you could still get away with trolley jacks rather than needing tranny jacks ect. Still, 2k is within the realm of a 2 post hoist. So I assume portability and height are important to you? Buying a new place soon and was adamant it had to have a shed big enough for a hoist. But these may change that. Whats their minimum height coz looking at some of those pics I dunno if my car would clear it. Just looking at the inground one and hes done a nice job. Just not sold on the thickness of the slab below the jack. Looks like he ended up with like maybe 100mm below the jacks?
  15. Flare is more like momentarily having neutral, once it does get into gear feels fine. Mine has the slightest flare 3rd to 4th sometimes. Sometimes it can be just a little down on fluid, doesn't take much to make a difference. Sometimes they are just farked.
  16. that's pretty cool, can you still get tail shafts, gearboxes ect out?
  17. This is strange coz if absolutely everything was swapped including column and keys then no coding should be required and the car should essentially just wake up in a new body. Was the xr6t stolen before becoming a wreck?
  18. Metallic death sounds were heard before the hemorrhage. He has a pod with no box so it just hoovered up the h2O Appeared to be pissing out around rear of the sump. Couldn't see much
  19. All the flooding in brisbane, then I get the call to pick a mate up who drove into flood water in his xr8, got stuck, then tried to start it.......couldn't find the hole in the dark..
  20. Nice work, painting is one of those things that just takes practice as easy at it seems. When I painted our place by time id finished I went back and re did what I had done at the start. Coz it was sh*te in comparison to where I finished. Also I ended up spraying the gloss, the streak marks just sh*t me. Bit more time prepping to spray but sh*t its worth it.
  21. barnz


    I hear your tune has plenty of fuel in it don, it'l be right.
  22. Taxati ftw guys. Ditched utorrent/bittorrent ages ago.
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