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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Never dirty flash a version change, framework often changes, even 5.0 and 5.1 have different gapps packages. Sometimes you will get away with it if the third number only has changed, ie 4.4.2 to 4.4.4. But still don't recommended. Or just unlock your phone, install CM 12 and be done with Samsung's bloated ass farked touchwiz sh*te....
  2. Dog pooh dust clouds when mowing....
  3. Agreed, I change sh*tty nappies and get up in the middle of the night. Take him shopping on my own which I actually enjoy....at the moment..its all part of life...mind you I don't have the strongest stomach. I remember one occasion, home on my own the sh*tty nappy was violent, I got a peg on my nose(serious) and I'm still dry reaching, he is hysterical from all the strange noises I'm making. I end up spewing on the floor...lol got er done though..
  4. A mate of mine is a real blokey bloke, picked his missus up from work and in of her colleagues has a flat tyre, that he doesn't know how to change. So josh finishes changing the tyre for him and the guy say "thanks heaps, how do u know how to do all this stuff" josh replies "fkn I dunno its just part of being a real man". Lol I can only imagine how he felt... Nothing wrong with pushing pens either, I have been a sparkoligist in the fire industry for 12 years and I think its time to hang up the pliers, looking into studying and moving into engineering and certification. Maybe one day I'll have my own consulting firm...but I'll always be a "real man" at heart.
  5. A little more boost could be commanded earlier but its never going feel like a zf + 3576
  6. Lol, venting about the missus on a forum which she frequents..legend. Or did some rando give you her life story?
  7. Nah it was in the garage, that tyre did have a very slow leak...guess that's why..
  8. Come out this morning, and one of the valve stems has failed on the G6, tyre flat, rubber stem still in the rim but the actual valve is completely fkn gone....nowhere to be found. Wat the actual fark. Never had one fail like that...
  9. Yeah that was bs...sh*t calls both ways though..
  10. I've noticed your a maroons/broncos fan, as am I....but I live here....what's the go?
  11. Lol SA, maybe you are better off with a mail order tune from virtually any other state...
  12. The gun metal color looks sick, as I thought it would..
  13. I do like but coz I'm imagining them a lot darker...not quite black though.
  14. I wonder why that is? Correct me if I'm wrong but given suspension travel/height has no bearing on shaft angle, how is every car different. The differences would have to be in the chassis or maybe even mounting bushes? So could flogged diff bushes introduce some tail shaft vibration? I don't really understand... are the tolerances to which these cars are built that bad?
  15. Welcome mate, good to hear you have made the jump. I was the same, had a string of 5l and 2 ls1's. Was actually looking at VE SS's and just decided to test drive a fg turbo for the hell of it....I didn't end up buying a VE....
  16. Since Sunday I've had, dominos, KFC, maccas and red rooster... 93kg, 6ft body fat is 20% which is probably average, lucky I work my ass off or I would be major fat kent. Could defiantly loose a few but I think just a reasonable diet would do the trick. You guys almost inspired me....then I saw the bizkets diet...
  17. Mud flaps should have been removed day 1...
  18. I gave up cleaning mine.....coz a1rm's.... Bizkarnt you car needs moar low...its like RTV spec atm
  19. Does seem odd, the guys that are known for doing these cars have a bit to answer for I think. Gunna(used all his luck on this occasion) used some rando on the sunny coast that hadn't even done a falcon before, usually does heavy machinery. It was spot on first time and cost significantly less than what some are asking...looked the goods as well, used a v8sc spec uni or something I should add though if the shafts in question aren't being correctly installed by a third party then the shop that made it is hardly to blame..
  20. A non roadworthy offset I'm guessing lol....
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