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Everything posted by barnz

  1. So....everything else seemed plausible cept the fkn brakes?
  2. Not a terrible thing to be sucked into given he was rolling a 3210. Green screen snake ftmfw
  3. No cutting either, comes with radiator relocate brackets according to jet. Can't see that being a problem from a road worthy/insurance perspective which is another big plus
  4. I was inferring you get one and perform said test. Coz no we don't. Maybe Jonny does?
  5. barnz

    Zf Auto

    Realistically at 450rwkw built box should be on your list from a reliability perspective.
  6. Then you need to get your hands these ASAP.
  7. Mine has same k's and same springs not that it really matters, but its clunking from everywhere now lol. Your most likely spot on about the bushes and wheel bearings are probably worth doing at these k's if they haven't been done recently. Mine are getting noisy. Full set of bushes and bearings are next on my list..
  8. barnz

    Zf Auto

    Its probably not real happy at that power level, who did the zf tune? Will probably get to the point where it will refuse to change at WOT and then its rebuild time. Start saving...
  9. Sounds good, when is that meant to be happening?
  10. Lol, a smartphone has already made you more efficient and coherent. Seriously congratuf*cknlations on your technological advancement. Now you can Google the sh*t out of anything any time and like research answers to your million questions. So what's next? Build engine? Who's building it did I miss that?
  11. Well.......good thing you have the fg engine then? Why do only your pics have the tapatalk sig, are using tapatalk for pics and something else for text lol?
  12. U want to be at this screen and click the gear button(settings) in the top right corner. Then scroll down to edit SIG and turn it off
  13. Well done, now turn off your tapatalk signature and your set
  14. There is a button to the left of the text box where you type, click it. Then select gallery
  15. Haterz gonna hate Click the button to the left of the text box to add pictures, then click the camera icon, select gallery. Choose a pic
  16. Or just use the timeline tab or participated tab
  17. You will need to make a Google account to use the play store to download apps. Download tapatalk from play store. Login to tapatalk with google. Search for this forum. Login to forum with forum account. Done
  18. Should be 8 links between the marks
  19. Carefully cut it to fit...or yeah get it changed You may also find its sim locked after all this...was it on a plan with a different carrier to your current sim?
  20. And your confident it wasn't from the accident and the previous owner didn't install it?
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