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Everything posted by barnz

  1. FG wagon and FG coupe, 2 mint cars ford should have built.FG wagon with the terry diesel Telstra n co would still be buying them...I rekon..
  2. It's getting on a bit Rab, 2x Radeon 6870 setup. In saying that it still plays most things maxed out so should be right I would think?
  3. Can't justify the cost for 1 game, I'll stick to PC for sim racing. Guess I will just try and swap it for PC version or a different console game.
  4. Turns out ps4 and Xbox one have same issue, total *beep* sh*t. Can get some converter box for both but fark that its like 200 bucks... I could by a new 600 dollar wheel....or I could sell all my ps4 sh*t and upgrade my PC and use the perfectly good wheel I have. That was a short lived sim racing console experience. What a fail...Sony and Microsoft you are fail khunts..whatever your motives are..
  5. Lol your kidding.....I just assumed it would....that's heaps gay wtf. We will see I guess
  6. Go over there and say sorry man didn't realise it was causing you such distress. Then dress the karnt down for not having the balls to come over and chat about it, wasting trees ect ect....
  7. Welcome mate Fpv, xr = same same, utes have a different exhaust to sedan. But that's it. Pics of your new ride!
  8. This is the first sim I've tried on a console, I thought well the wheel works with ps4 so why not. My immediate concern is frame rates as I like to play serious games on PC with a high refresh rate ect
  9. Project Cars for PS4, already have a G27 and iRacing ect but wanted to give this a whirl.
  10. Last few pages = major let down. Would not bang Sorry stripes
  11. I used to just turn the modem speaker off....never understood why the fark they had one anyway?
  12. barnz


    Mk1 fg? Mine(stock) will sometimes spin on a kickdown even at 100ks on the right road surface and cary on if trac control is on. So barring it just being traction control is on.......sorta sounds like TPS coz of weird idle(what are you calling high idle?) and the fact you only have an issue when snapping the throttle. The way I'm reading it you can squeeze to WOT slowly and pull to redline without issue yeah? Do you have a OBD device of some arrangement you can scan for codes with and log stuff?
  13. Wat bout the N/A b series that had bomb spent on it? That had cams. OP, the short of it is they will sound cool but you will be lucky to see any improvement at all and shifting the power band higher into the rev range isn't going to make it nice to drive day to day. In fact your not going to able to spin it hard enough(rpm) to see the benefit. But if money is no object and you just want it to sound tough, go hard. Given its an fg, cams zorst(2nd hand turbo one is a good cheap option) tune intake should see it push just over 200rwkw...which is far from sh*t for an na 6 but, same money spent on a turbo....
  14. When I first saw that comp I was like fark yeah win a new muzzy, wait win a drive? Can't I just go test drive one when they are released....
  15. Looking good mate, sounds like you need a better cooler maybe? I know my car feels a fair bit different in winter on a stock tune. QLD weather is killer. Any pics of how the interior is looking now?
  16. Lol, we just assumed you were a sh*t kent. To be fair I did just ask why and ellude to a clean up coz of usual suspects... k31th did it.. and Gunna should have pm'd Dag's not you..
  17. On a serious note, I've actually spoken to Gunna at length on the blower helping through some electrical issues on the original conversion, a few of the guys here have met him a number of times on cruises. I think you will find those people will agree he's actually a likeable guy and a humble, genuine (lol) sorta person. The way he comes across on a keyboard and in person, completely different. Just some food for thought for those with their opinions.
  18. Yeah I'm calling harsh...he just wanted to post inb4lock somewhere and figured Gunna was a soft target... PM Dag's?
  19. So, why did gunnas thread get locked Wiggum? Apart from the fact it was a train wreck and out of 32 pages only about 10 pertained to any actual car related progress....it was a happening place to be. He's just gonna make another one you know....and I am genuinely eager to see how it progresses now its in motion...finally. I get that it needed a clean up but a lock? Poor karnt's gonna be devo he just worked out how to post pics...........It was like the 3rd build thread for the same car....I get it but faaark lol...
  20. Good thing the gumbyment gave every karnt money to install it then made it unviable with a price hike. Seems legit
  21. Old mate on the phone is like "err slight problem, were going to be a little late"
  22. Can thank the gumberment for the death of the falcon taxi. You seen the price of LPG these days. It's a fkn joke. Worse still areas that aren't hugely populated it jumps to like 90c a litre. Which means its more expensive to run than petty, with the added bonus of less power....
  23. barnz

    Zf Auto

    Lol, did ratter just make a funny? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  24. barnz

    Zf Auto

    Just take it easy for a while it sounds like its in early stages of failure atleast Sent from my R5 using Tapatalk
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