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Everything posted by barnz

  1. 9's to come eh? Then you and veva can be in the "so bad ass not allowed to race" club together. Seriously though, you have been an inspiration to many I'm sure, and you can be proud of that. But more importantly you can be proud of yourself for what you have achieved, the friends made on the way and helping others also which I know you have. I to feel like having a go at the ZF. Auto rebuilding has been on my list for a while... Your a legend Kent :-) Well that's enough praise from me for a lifetime, don't ever expect it again...
  2. Geez this thing is faaast. At least your allowed back! So I assume spare silicone joiners will be part of your kit from now on lol?
  3. There really is no significant increase in maintenance. both cars will flog out bushes, wheels bearings and brake rotors. Servicing cost is pretty much the same. Diff bushes on the turbo flog out quicker as both cars have the same sh*t design, the turbo just puts more stress on them. The ZF in the N/A and turbo are infact different but both have the same milkshake risk. All these ailments can be fixed with quality parts and rego is the same for either. So pretty much fuel and tyres are the only real difference maitnence wise. In stock form I dont think the turbo is any more prone to failure than the N/A. Start modifying ANY car and something will break or wear quicker. Thems the brakes... Sent from my R5 using Tapatalk
  4. Couldn't find the right thread exactly but since MA9ICK loves his lights and will probably be the one to answer this will do... Looking at putting HID's in the foggies as one is blown so good excuse...So is it worth it vs Halogen. Is the lens of the foggies suited to a HID or is it rubbish like putting em in a reflector housing? That's bout it. Some pics from people who have em would be nice. Cheers
  5. barnz

    08 Fg Xr6T Ute

    If your clutch was slipping when it was tuned then yes, it can affect the load points, what it made on the day is what it made so its not as if the tune is wrong or anything. But probably a good idea to get it touched up when you get a new clutch as it will most likely affect the way it loads up. If your clutch was 100% at the time of tune, then you farked it. Different story.
  6. Fark ikea, feels more like a cattle drive than a shopping experience...
  7. Rears are 265 30 19 Front 245 35 19. Yeah I have, 19's are OK but. 20's are rubbish. I will farkin take a rear off tomorrow and weigh both...I was going to do it when I had the chance but was so keen to see how they looked. Will get the HTG as well. As for the spokes, just need brembos now lol. They defiantly clear as well, bought em of some dude who had em on a FG F6 but then decided he wanted something different. They have only done a few thousand k's. Could still clearly see the writing in the slick block part of the tread...if that makes sense...like this Fronts are Nexens which I rate and have used in the past, rears are...some cheap sh*t. Got them for a very good price after a lengthy inspection and a reasonable amount of haggling.
  8. Lol, probs exaggerating but the 20's are farkin heavy. I'll weigh one. Also you realise advanti racing wheels are the official supplier of the Mercedes F1 team...pretty sure they are a USA company not Rodney Jane specials. I have the denaro's sorry not novas.... Not much info unfortunately http://advantiwheel.com/current-wheels/b2-denaro-silver/
  9. Lol fark jet stop smokin bro, you have commented on quite a few posts relating to it..... To be fair I usually post pics of parts of it haha, they are probably the most pics o have ever posted of it. Why would I have ever ended up here if I didn't own one lol? That's like going to a wiggles concert cept you don't even have kids.... Nothing much done to it, just SSL's/Monroe's T3's Braided lines A1RM's Advanti Nova's 19x8 and 19x9 Earls turbo oil line FG XR6 Turbo LSD I scored from Gumtree All stock engine wise, but does regularly see 12psi I have noticed? Have had some unexpected victory's also, I did consider tune only maybe as it was already lowered with different wheels but then though nah that's cop chip stuff. No xcal or anything. So maybe I'm just lucky and hit overboost alot or whatever ford want to call it I'll get it tuned or run it at the strip one day....
  10. Better, they are literally half the weight of the 20's. Feels quicker and err...spins much easier lol
  11. Profile Autosports is close to you, and your lucky coz its a good shop. Close isn't always best...
  12. New wheels MMFG(so did shredding the old) Just some Advanti Nova's, 8" front 9" rears. Pics when I can be farked putting them on..
  13. Get it retuned biz fark lol. Dons seems to be going well go there. Or am I getting confused are you in different states?
  14. Yeah you shouldn't have to clean up other peoples piss that's rough.....but agree with ralph...I see those signs and even though it doesn't apply to me I still think "pff, get farked" its going in the mens toilet yeah? No need to pull any punches. Change sign to ”If you have a vagina just farking sit down and stop pissing on the floor"
  15. Nice terryPics of it in the ceiling when that happens plz
  16. Skids, lots... Oh and new wheels, 20's can ead Sent from my R5 using Tapatalk
  17. I have explained how, but if you catch up with trana I'm sure he will explain how fueling is tied to ECT amongst other things. In a nutshell if you run a cooler thermostat the tune needs to be adjusted accordingly. Or your thermostat could be buggered and opening to soon, stuck open even. In either case if thermostat is infact the issue(may not be) the tuner is responsible. Either didn't adjust tune or somehow failed to notice it was farked. Unless of course it miraculously shat itself the moment you drove out.....If your temp sat at the usual level I wouldn't even suggest it....
  18. If some sort of redundancy or exit package is available then I'd take it just based on experience. But, you never know the new company may be great and think you da man.......lol....
  19. Been there Az, starts will that promises from your current employer about how great this merge will when really all share holders give a sh*t about is how much they are about to pocket. Then once the larger corp has the reigns you will pale into insignificance, any rapport you had established by bending over backwards for your old company is gone. Then people you don't know have you by the balls, then you get the sh*ts and leave....
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