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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Its pretty epic that kids are still into super heros as old as us. They would be like busted ass footy players now, carrying injuries, smokers coughs lol...
  2. Are they super man pumas! Our lil man has spider man Adidas's.Is it dumb we care about these things more than they do at this stage lol?
  3. Me too, I have dreamed of a 2 door awd fg for a long time now. Pretty sh*tty photoshop overall but that's the best silhouette(not the color) ive seen yet, the proportions and roof lines seem right.On second thought I dont like the rear window..cant decide if id want it shorter or longer...or maybe the whole car needs to be a bit shorter with a smaller window....
  4. barnz

    New Members Thread

    What sort of tight karnt just reuses that busted ass water pump on a shiny new engine? Bust out the wire brush at least..
  5. that's totally different not really a flip side Ralphage. You were thinking responsibly and had a logical reason to do what you did. She on the other hand is just being a lazy selfish f*ckwit. Couldnt be bothered, and didnt want to deal with waking a baby up I bet was the train of thought. I take my son out of the car to pay for bloody fuel. Asleep and all. He will get over it, better then commiting a crime, him dying and/or being accidentally kidnaped. What the f*ck is wrong with people seriously....
  6. barnz

    New Members Thread

    Also bare in mind they are quite tall, but I expect you would be building a car around it so what it ends up going in may not be of great concern? A BMW would probably be a good platform for a conversion.
  7. Should have called the cops while you were waiting bro. Middle of summer id call em and tell them im breaking in. Spitting? Sounds like a junkie peice of sh*t
  8. That will be the little turbo/ restrictive cat. Falling over at 170kmh. I feel like it really starts to lose its feeling of hard acceleration from like 140 ish though. Sounds like you have done your homework and know whats what so you will hit your go fairly easily.
  9. Just got an S6 in Topaz (held the s6 edge in my hand for .5 of a second and went "that's dumb and annoying") and have to say im pretty impressed with Samsung finally, mainly due to much less bloatware and touchwiz feeling alot more like AOSP. Turned all their rediculous features off though that keeps every sensor contantly awake and battery life has near doubled.. And yeah android FTW, havent lost any contacts in 5+ years Do quite like the built in sensor that can monitor heart rate ect
  10. Lol monaro diver...does a sh*t skid, rolls past the stage anyway...needs to be told how to stage..then gets beaten by a 6cyl with a single pegger on 7/11 juice.. All in all fkn mint day at the drags...
  11. Looking forward to bbq chook
  12. Fkn great start, I think the chooks are rattled
  13. QLD grand final ftmfw In sydney...
  14. It is true that they do tend to fail under higher loads (boost) due to spark being weak so creating a boost leak to diagnose sh*t coils is actually not the dumbest thing ive heard...not fool proof but not bad either...
  15. Well clearly the problem is there is no power cord...
  16. Get a tourer bro, pick of the bunch imowagons4lyf
  17. Wow, if your for real I want in, what an epic driveway... If you do work up the courage to let your foot off the brake and hold it pinned till it hooks, Do. Not. Lift. Well not to quickly anyway. Maybe you already know this, maybe you will find out the hard way....in all seriousness though remember they are heavy, a violent weight transfer will see you in the trees or worse killing somebody...time and a place..
  18. Lol peter...did u work out how to do a proper skid or something?
  19. barnz

    Cms Fg Xr6T

    Lol yeah worn open diffs that start to turn both regularly are bloody dangerous, as soon as one side unloads a bit they like to open again, and try and kill you. For this reason I keep it reasonably straight. Nothing worse than getting 1 wheel at full lock, at speed. Feels pretty much the same as buttoning off. Even if you manage to hang on to it you still look like a muppet....one day ill do bushes and throw the other diff in...although the sprint has been confirmed and I did say I would buy one when it was a rumor. Im about to buy a 4x4 ute and go car allowance but so I dunno.... Sorry bout the mad derail LU82 im sure a mod will move these posts if u want.
  20. barnz

    Cms Fg Xr6T

    Lol, and 4th and 5th veva? Or we talkin bout your lil video... Spoton bout the power skid situation jet, depending on how hard it bangs the limiter sometimes its just a big nothing and then grip and go. Weirdly 2nd gear standing start, no wheel spin, stall it up just a teeny bit for a 2nd gear start then squeeze it to WOT reasonably quickly but not snap it. Smoke show? Also stalling it for to long in 2nd seems to disable the trottle entirely until you lift. All stock tune related things I expect..
  21. barnz

    Cms Fg Xr6T

    It is yeah but turns both a majority of the time. If it doesnt I generally bail out anyway. Coz I could probably single peg for about a kilometer if I didnt and that's gay.. I do have a standard fg lsd...sitting on the garage floor.....and a new bootlid ive had for about a month sitting in the spare bedroom. Cozlazykent
  22. barnz

    Cms Fg Xr6T

    Mine does 3rd stock no worries, stand on the fkn thing and short shift 1st to 2nd as soon as it lest go. I can even do this rolling at around 20-30kph. There was a video floating around you tube of an apparently stock fg peeling quite a large 4th gear power skid. Short shifted every gear, let the revs come up in 4th, let go of the brake and weeeeeee
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