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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Fark man.....you know mate we actually have YOUR best interests in mind when we give advice that may not of been what you wanted to hear...were not just know it all karnts... I said long ago to sell the lemon and start again....was good to get an update from ypu atleast youve been quiet..
  2. LOWNDESEYYYYYYYYY YEOW! Couldnt belive my eyes when he slowed down the pack for lowndes once he knew he had to serve a drive through. He is fkn human after all, still cant belive he thought about somebody else...even if it is just this once..
  3. Even if somehow they did fix it, surley chaz it out..
  4. Holy f*ck, hes lucky he only got a broken leg. Hope he is ok, top kid with a big future Holy sh*t, 33seconds in, look at the 2 guys that jump off the platform he clips. Lucky the car didnt come over the barrier..
  5. f*ck I hate theives, just f*ck off and die you bottom feeding *beep*
  6. Well you seem to have all the good bits so in all seriousness whats the limiting component's? 9k rpm powerskids FTW
  7. Lol, happy bday ya mad kent. 30 next year for me.....im over being 20 something anyway..
  8. barnz

    Making The Cut

    Erm, nothing against hp tuners? I have it also..dont think I suggested sct was the go? Nobody had a go as such, but the vibe of little faith in unknown tuners was there. Bad reps are one thing but I just rekon everybody deserves a chance at least.
  9. Ah, I should have known. I hear the specs are so top secret you will turn into a penguin if you found out, and its so good you only need one.
  10. As long as you lol'd that's all that matters.. Whats the green line where the cam locks go? Just a mark to tell them apart when you had them out at some stage?
  11. barnz

    Making The Cut

    Give his mate a chance lol..fark. Yeah he's new but we all were at what we do. He could be a clever guy who has done his home work. Or he might be sh*t.....point is even the gun tuners that frequent the forums were green at some point. If hes using HP there is a fair bit of support for the aussie falcons if you know where to look for it and how to ask the right questions....
  12. Erm, you left a d I l d o sitting on the gutter below the windscreen in that last shot... Should remove them b4 pics in future....
  13. Think the previous owner had too many billys... 3k on getting a set of shocks reworked?????
  14. Did you have to do a boot swap? I did mine on the weekend and the hot tip for anybody thinking you can get the g6e lip spoiler off without damaging the boot...you cant, did get the wing off without cracking it or damaging the paint though...2hrs and alot of patience but.. Sooo much sika and double sided tape, the lower half of that boot lid is farked which is why it got changed Also have a chrome garnish with reverse camera for sale if anybody is interested.
  15. Lmfao, he wasn't even rostered on that day...
  16. Pretty much the same a bris then, maybe tassie is the go...
  17. Pics? 8inch really is a bit small, I have 265 on a 9 and it looks spot on. Different manufacturers can be slightly different widths. Thought the PSS's were on the wider side of there advertised width?
  18. Get us a job kent, feel like a big move....is it farkin hot in SA?
  19. barnz

    Making The Cut

    I like how that's still a viable option...
  20. Sounds like you need a set of adjustables peter, coz even if you change springs to a different height I imagine you will be unhappy again in not to long.. [emoji6]
  21. No BOV iz de best...also needs moar stickers. Nice write up, done a nice job on the bay its quite tidy. Need to give that power steering spalsh tray a trim to fit properly coz its farkin up your fung shui..
  22. Nah mate already sits mint. Personally I wouldnt doing anything half arsed suspension wise. Its A your life, B usualy nets a sh*t result and C illegal. Im not all about the book but things like springs are the obvious and even the dumbest cops have half an idea what to look for.Fairly sure those are made for removing springs/transporting vehicles. Brand new vehicles are often transported with plastic locks that clip into the springs, stops them bouncing around. Sorry if you're actually fkn serious wilko coz I think your having a lend? You changing springs soon or something? Just noticed the photo is actually taken in store...pretty sure he was just having a lend.
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