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Everything posted by barnz

  1. I park my car in the middle of the road when I change tyres as well......... They look good. Needs moar low
  2. Dont change the temp of the thermostat without the tune being adjusted..
  3. You know peter, for somebody that claims to be a useless karnt you give fkn solid advice on this particular topic mate. Seen you do it more than once..
  4. Mmmm that doesnt seem normal ozzy, I live in qld and can flog the piss out of it in the peak of summer, never goes over half Might be worth testing your thermostat or just throwing a new one at it. Edit, sorry I miss understood, your not on stock rad anymore. Still ive never gone over half with the stock one, and it does get beat a fair bit. I know the guys doing circuit work have had probd with the stock one though..
  5. Cokenose if your convinced its down on power, mine has popped the join on the hotside closest to the radiator support next to the battery. Would only come off enough to leak a bit not fully. Just seemed to get worse and worse and got to the point where it would happen once a week. I double clamped it with the intention of getting a new pipe kit but its been fine since so ive forgotten about it...
  6. I think what ralph meant was if you found that hard maybe dont attempt anything else coz its pretty basic...he also covered not having the right tools.... Dont think he was saying dont have a go to you matty... You know what sh*ts me about it....the 2 torx screws near the fire wall for the plastic cover that feel like they take a million turns to get in and out. Always end up in an awkward position with a sore back....they are long gone now...
  7. No, this is sort of a luck thing and happens to me a bit in summer as well. The temp fluctuates a bit and the thermos come on when they need to, temp drops again and a cycle occurs. If you pull up and switch off just as the fans have been called to run its probably a good thing that ford made them run regardless until a cut out temp is reached. Probably could be altered in a tune but maybe not a good idea? Your car usually gets hotter when you switch off initially.
  8. I use a plug socket, it hangs onto it...2 extensions with a uni in the middle. Easy
  9. The old switcharoo hey ralph..... Atleast angelo got a like....
  10. Do you have a go pro? Super keen to see some on boards.
  11. So, dodgy or mod plate of some arrangement?
  12. Pff apologies, sif that is even required or sincere...
  13. Make it keif, let us all take the journey of modded to stock to modded together. Perhaps its the kind of spiritual experience you need to motivate you. Phil needs to do this on a b series also for the same reasons, your not on your own. Are you in same state, perhaps you could work it out together, phil is good at finding a bargin and motivated. Split the cost somehow? Actually hes in WA isnt he? Oh well....
  14. Why is returning to stock expensive? What is not stock right now Stock Mods list plz? Stock Its like trying to milk a toad with you Stock take what is not stock so we may take stock of what it will take to return to stock. Stock
  15. Lol you should be a politician, that was a great not an answer , answer to what I said. I get it wont get over as is, so return to stock, stock parts a cheap, you have cash now. Buy some sh*t. It might make you feel more enthused to actually take some steps. Instead of sitting on your ass going "to hard fark the gumbyment" Kgo with more weak excuses
  16. Lol our boy loves those as well ralph, got the set with max d and grave digger in it. More will be under the tree for sure Also keen to get him a little drift car as most our house is tiled. 2 may be a lil young but im sure ill love it haha
  17. Story was weak, and short... So, you need to get some stock parts, and put them on. Cash issues and enthusiasm aside....theres no long story or real problem is there?
  18. Heat, boost solenoid clean. Popped a clamp, split a pipe.
  19. Lol 200hp to 650hp between 3000rpm and 4000...... Yes im sure its very reliable and has plenty of traction........
  20. Your story keif, were waiting. Clearly you need to return to stock....so whats the long story?
  21. Let me know if you want a g6e lip spoiler to make a mould of or something for anybody that may want one, mine is off atm and they are impossible to get off without ruining the boot. Once it goes on my new boot it wont be coming off again... Pics of old boot(which already had accident damage) Same amount of sika that holds a bloody windscreen in....
  22. LOL Fluff, ad says nothing about the car apart from price. Entire ad focuses on telling dick heads to fark off... I like that..
  23. Make every panel that comes off the car carbon fibre, bonnet, guards, doors and bars. That should take a bit of fat out of it. Inside, perhaps dash, console and door trims in raw finish. You said wish list, that would be my wish list, which would also extend to probably suspension components also, cutting down on unsprung weight is always a good thing, carbon fibre sub frames would probably cut a fair bit of weight also but obviously legality could be an issue also..
  24. You fkn what? Bought him a drill and bits so he could rifle drill the rods??? Im not sure what you mean exactly? In any case nothing about that seemed odd hey? Anyway I really hope this ends with a good result for you mate. Sounds like your on track again..
  25. Holy fark alright, makes every festival in Australia ever seem lame..
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