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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Is that your before you hit the gym comparison selfie biz?
  2. ?? Wouldnt think the front would be that much different. If that measurement was from the "top"(its round I know...) of the rim the difference could be camber. If its from the bottom closest to the ground perhaps the whole subframe needs to be shifted, not sure if you would be able to get 10mm of shift though.
  3. ^^^lol In all seriousness peter you will probably find your actually locking the rears as you smash the pedal hard and a violent weight transfer occurs. See aarons post for how to brake properly.. Other things to consider, its harder to lock a tyre the faster your going and your brakes are only as good as the grip a tyre offers. Now think about what you said about guys on a track, more often than not a lockup occurs deep in the braking area due to not releasing the pedal enough, rarley does it happen in the initial part of the braking area. It is completley normal to feel some feedback through the pedal while abs is doing its thing. Triton does it to me all the time, thinks ive locked a brake when I downshift to 2nd at 70k's in the rain.....weeeeeee
  4. WTF indeed, when I get dirty bird its usually something with strips, double crunch, twister ect... What a disaster.. gonna take some time for me to get over it id say.
  5. It looks like it yeah, there is more going on than the 10 od kw peak gain. Looks like you have picked up around 20kw at 2300rpm for example. Power under the line is where its at mate.If that's all due to the turbo side im impressed, worth while mod then. You happy with the sound?
  6. True legends and gentlemen of the sport. Except whincup wtf was he doing there...Lowndsey ill accept coz he has been around for a long time now.
  7. Still above 300rwkw approaching 6000rpm with the baby turbs...Very noice
  8. Wow, im sorry to hear that Ralph. No family should have to go through so much pain.
  9. Pics of panda operating the 30t vibraring drum as claimed...
  10. barnz

    New Members Thread

    Well if the intention is to buy at the bottom of the market and flip at the top I would not think the rate you get at the bottom would be of huge concern if you dont intend on paying it for 30 years.. You would have to do the maths but coz im really not sure, Bit like nissan offering 1% finance but only on full rrp, its actually cheaper to bring your own finance with a higher rate but pay less than RRP. Example was it was cheaper to buy a pulsar at like 27k with own finance than at rrp of 30 at 1%
  11. barnz

    My Build

    Well I assumed that much, but its like saying "this synthetic heart should theoretically do the trick but yeah nah we havent actually tested it so just see how you go" KPM are a weird mob coz they do seem to do good work but still seem dodgy some how...
  12. barnz

    My Build

    Lol dave is now claiming they always said 1200hp on e85 and perhaps they need to rephrase their advetising...... So what test car was it that they made 1500 on 98 I wonder....
  13. barnz

    My Build

    If your referring to what I said ralph it is just speculation as its possible there is more in it with some tweaks such as fuel lines ect
  14. barnz

    My Build

    Not sure if you have seen it but there is some speculation over on AFF that the kpm1500 does not infact support 1500hp...Jim has apparently found the limit at 700 od rwkw
  15. barnz

    New Members Thread

    Lol kinda missed the part where you said plenty of turbo cars and just saw nothing fast......You definitely wont find a stock b series fast then. Rando example sorry, there are good ones around close to your price range. Have you looked at auctions, a member on here picked up a modified bf zf tornado for a very good price at auction.
  16. barnz

    New Members Thread

    Yeah....probably not gonna get an 11sec manual for 15k or less unless one pops up that somebody needs to sell in a hurry. I would suggest you look at stretching your budget to a bf mk2 or fg 6spd manual in reasonable condition as a base. Something like this https://www.carsales.com.au/private/details/Ford-Falcon-2007/SSE-AD-3411793 I personally wouldn't touch a modified ba early bf with a stock engine, due to them being weaker. They are also likley to be high km flogged sh*tboxes, particularly in that price range for what you want. You will find them quick if you havent had a fast car, enjoy it for a bit, save up collect some parts, get it tuned and jump to like 300 odd rwkw
  17. barnz

    New Members Thread

    Welcome mate B series or fg? Whats your budget. Do you intend to modify? What issues are you already aware to look out for?
  18. Im gonna go a bit left field and suggest the original Half Life for PC if you are newish to gaming and havent played it. It was a pretty massive leap at the time and imo a pretty significant release in gamings history. Normally I think the experience would be lost on most but you might appreciate some nostalgia. I think saying GTAV is mindless fun is a bit unfair, it sure can be if you want it to be. The first thing I did when it first loaded, started a police chase broke into an airport, stole a jet, landed on a highway somewhere in the desert where I was met by alot of aggresive cops and I had no weapons.....Then I played through one of the most immersive story lines I can recall. The effort that goes into creating open world games of this caliber is mind blowing. Its a masterpiece from Rockstar and I hope they continue to go to such lengths to produce games of such quality. It must be hard to justify given the ludicrous mobile market which sees huge profit margins for minimal effort...think sh*t like candy crush, even clash of clans ect...
  19. Lolz at half a write up, beer o clock ill do the rears 2mozza. Nice jig saw work(I actually mean that) Pics needed moar sparkys tools and gold ring's
  20. Noticed mine is sagging everywhere now, seems like it literally happened over night or the weekend maybe, didnt notice it on friday and today. VN Spec. What is a re trim worth?
  21. Perhaps you could tell me why I could make pretty much any car equipped with abs do what your saying...
  22. Fark yeah havent had a gotim thread in ages... Thanks for the lols
  23. Gunna that is probably the best, most sincere advice you or anybody really has had from jet.Now stop hijacking threads and re open yours..
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