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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Yeah shut the fark up honda boi have some respect or your mum wont be able to descernablebable you k. Should have quoted mattys post so that made more sense...oh well
  2. Im not any different IRL than I am here and havent said anything to you I wouldnt say to your face. You on the other hand....so this is seriously some sort of interweb alternate ego of yours lol?
  3. No pretty sure the bias is set and forget matty, no idea if it can be recalibrated.
  4. So your just a f*cking troll then? Living it up eh, I own my G6ET, have over 150k equity in my home. A beautiful fiance and son. Regularly punch over 100k a year. Living it up right? No. sh*ts fkn hard sometimes, and ive busted my arse to be where I am and will probably continue to do so for well, the foreseeable future unless I win the fkn lotto. I think your grip of reality is fairly loose...Be modest, humble and try hard in everything you do and you will go far. You may be a fkn brilliant person, right now your coming accross as a massive fkn wanker....
  5. I got crispy strips yesterday jet, they were amazeballs incase your wondering.
  6. Pff, wont find me being the agressor. Been there got the T shirt and its a tough lesson to learn, no matter how much you think your right. Fact is, that attitude is going to land him in trouble with somebody who does not have enough self control and is yet to learn that lesson the hard way. Was not a threat, just the truth... There is always somebody tougher bud, underestimating anybody would be a mistake. Again, no respect.
  7. Maybe, depends how fast your going. 60k and a violent pedal smash it could be the fronts. 100+ I doubt will be the fronts locking straight away. Yes that's the right terminology, it all happens very fast, grab pedal settle the car, feed it in hard early and come out of the pedal deeper into the braking zone. Every body is different but in big heavy cars I like to carry a little bit of brake to the apex and then try and start feeding in some throttle as soon as possible. I personally dont like the way they behave when coasting. I find braking hard in a straight line and turning them in as soon as the brake is released upsets them a bit. V8 supercar weight and suspension different story. Even then, craig lowndes more often than not uses this technique which skaifey calls "driving the car on the front tyre"
  8. Oh dear Commoners eh. mmmm Im not going to express how that makes me feel.... But one day your disrespect of others is going to earn you a broken f*cking face *beep*
  9. barnz

    New Members Thread

    Correct cammo, its going to suck and in the long term we cant make decisions for them and dictate their beliefs, way of life ect. But as it effects the innocent and defenseless across the world we have a humanitarian obligation to protect them. Othwrwise what the fark is the point of or vast collective, military power. Status? Never thought I would say it but sometimes war is a necessary evil, taking the "im not going to fight you, and be the bigger person" stance is not going to work. Im sure everybody is open to a better solution than war, but is there one?
  10. Would like that more than once if I could fluff....
  11. barnz

    New Members Thread

    Heard on the radio this morning ISIL say anybody supporting france will suffer the same fate. Farkin lol I say. Why? They will do it randomly to anybody anyway coz they have no cause. Just psycopath murders using religion to justify their bullsh*t. So whats the difference if we or any nation support france? Its high time to balls up and officially declare a state of war on this sh*t. Almost every developed nation has been struck in some way. Its time to go all in together. Stop all but absoloutley necessary international travel until further notice. Stop treating people fleeing their homes as f*cking criminals, they are victims of war that need our help. Not our problem? Actually it's well and truly the whole f*cking worlds problem. Its like a plauge or something, isolate and eradicate. Then we need to protect the innocent in the long term and ensure their homes are safe to return to so they can truly rebuild their society and strength. All efforts and operations so far have clearly acheived sweet f*ck all apart from costing the brave and the loyal their lives, in vein it would appear. You could call it WW3 if you want but I couldnt see it being like wars we have seen before. If the world stands together it will be a very one sided affair. I 100% support frances reaction and the barrage should continue from this moment on until the scum have been erradicated from the earth. This needs to be the defining moment when the world says enough is enough...f*ck the trend of outpour of sorrow, media attention and click baiters. Time for sh*t to get real.
  12. You would be surprised how strong just one tac is. No its not pretty but id put money on it that will hold fine.
  13. Lol theres normal and theres f*cked. Was having sus at mine last night, roll on 3rd at 60k's squeeze gently to WOT throttle and no matter how gently I lift at around 3000rpm which I think is about 80k, massive clunk. I bet im going to find a split bush or maybe even a broken bolt it sounds pretty violent. A little in a ZF equipped car is normal...
  14. Peter I dunno about expert opinion but a few people that have commented have been thrashing cars for a long time, some without ABS I imagine. I can recall having my vn ss dancing hard on the way into a corner, having the feather the brake treading a fine line between making the corner and going straight ahead. I also remember locking a brake to much and looking for a bail out option. Aaron is pretty handy at the wheel from what I hear, Tochii and furiousgibbon have tracked falcons regularly. The other that have commented im not sure but I imagine theyre not pelicans.... Experts maybe not, well informed, I think so. The overwhelming majority say ITS NORMAL BRAH. Lay off the meth karnt, u and kokentoe....
  15. barnz

    New Members Thread

    Music is personal taste. The notion that one genre is better than another is rediculous.
  16. Fly screen and rubber band over turbo inlet. Remove BOV and block accociated piping. Tutututu Beer This thread sucks. Not wasting any good memes on it. I miss Gunnas thread
  17. Phasors can be removed no worries. Gave mine a good bath in petrol, let them dry well before re installing and it stopped my fg sounding lumpy as on cold start up. Would also flirt with stalling as well. Dont think it matters which one goes where. I didnt mark them and its been fine for 12+ months. Maybe they just get clogged with sh*te? Is there a PID for cam angle that offers any tangable data jet? Heard people say it needs to be logged with an oscilloscope? Also what baseline data do you refetence? I definitely wouldnt know what to look for...
  18. Well running e85 which requires a tune is hardly stock... Still impressive for tune only though if that's the case
  19. LSA Tourer mmmmm, want, me want
  20. Ive got an s6 and very happy with it. Im the sort of person that unlocks their phone as soon as they get home with it and flashes a custom ROM. But I just dont feel the need, it has all the features I want. Some have complained about the battery life and I didnt think it was great at first but after turning off all the ridiculous sensors samsung runs (tracking eye movement when reading ect) I easily get a day of medium to heavy use out of it without a top up. The built in heart rate monitor is handy as well lol, got a belt (electrical shock) at work last week, felt a bit weird afterwards, heart rate was like 160 bit irregular, though nah its just adrenaline. 5hrs later at home sitting on the couch, resting heart was 150 and still skipped now and again........looked at my little boy who I was looking after at the time and thought hmm probably time to call the ambos....
  21. barnz

    New Members Thread

    Lol man not to be a karnt but that's pretty much what I said would be the case.I know your no stranger to modified cars but you did say you didnt mind if it was "rough around the edges" and honestly an example with that much power in that condition has probably been beaten hard. As are alot of cars around here including mine. But they get looked after and your average buyer probably wont think "well this has had a hard life". So if its modified and it looks like a bucket of sh*t you have to wonder what lyes beneath. I probably would buy that car if I could get it at the right price with view to fixing up all the sh*t but it would have to be alot less than the 11k he's asking. Or get a nice stock example and go from there. Surley if you can afford a modified 335i a BF with 6-7k of mods is chump change?
  22. Id go the RS. If your worried about economy your looking at the wrong cars.....
  23. It may be a rom that needs to be flashed with some sort of utility?
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