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Everything posted by barnz

  1. You need 2x 22mm spanners, or large shifters, or 1 and a bench vice, and a 15mm spanner. Hold the filter still and crack the 2 15mm fittings on the oil lines. If you have let the car sit for a bit there should be no oil in the lines. The screen is in the end that the arrow points to. Put it in the vice or use 2 spanners to get it open. Handy tip, once you have one oil line off put your finger over the end of the filter so when you take the filter out oil doesnt drip erry where. Or just keep it level. I put it in the mower.....she runs a bit smokey...
  2. Yeah bit of sludge in there, screen was covered in pitch black oil but I wouldnt say blocked. Dont clean it every service, that was probably 20 thou k's worth and wasn't even that bad.
  3. ^^^best option if you hate dust apparently
  4. Pull it apart, soak it in petrol, diesel would be better but didn't have any. I give it all really good blow out with the compressor as well. Just make sure it's well dry before reinstalling. Also noticed the o ring was pinched and blocking part of the screen so dont go bonkers tightening it, do it by hand then just a little nip.
  5. I assume u mean me lol, and yeah earls one. Cleaning the factory one is like a 37hr job so yeah nah... And peter it was pissing down in brissy yesterday arvo, so no proof left...
  6. Yesterday, oil filter, cleaned turbo filter, fixed windscreen washers (classic blocked screen filter). Couldnt be bothered cleaning it, too hot. Skids
  7. Lol the only person you hurt was yourself cokenose. Nice to see you chilled, props for making this thread and being honest with yourself.
  8. Are you going to run an intercooler?
  9. Do it, do something lol.. How is the yoot going?
  10. Pretty much the ford will always be quicker in a straight line, on average the blown miami needs about 50kw more at the treads than the T to do the same times. Its hard to beat the insanley fat power curve the barra has. SS will sound like the ducks nuts and if manual will no doubt be the more fun car to drive. I was in the same situation as you, test drove a few ss's and hadnt really given the turbos much thought. Then I drove one, and for 2 cars that have the same peak output, they felt very different.
  11. Love how he dissaproved but then obliged. Theres a conflicted man.....
  12. I like the longer studs as well pep, coz small give away to the seriousness of the rear end setup. f*cking top job on everything really man. Your a gun.
  13. Aye I have a limo and so does mattyp, both under 30 (only just for me...)
  14. God dam lach ness monster stole my three fiddy
  15. They need to be parallel to provide less restriction, series doesnt work the same, 3 high flows in series may get the emissions effect your after but will only flow as well as one, or the most restrictive one
  16. Whats the plan for the exhaust mods, just gonna fab up a bolt in section to pass test?
  17. Yep, yep, dont fail, pay 6 months this time round, insurance can be paid monthly?
  18. Just skids...unless your into the wiggles, fine if you are... So realistically your actually closer to rego than you led us to belive lol..
  19. K so, woofer box, zorst, clutch tune, skids? A twin or even tripple(lol never seen a triple..) cat setup could pass and even flow a decent amount? More paths = less resistance/restriction
  20. I hadnt...you brushed the 2nd part of that post
  21. What brand manifold is it? Thought u said low mount? Cmon cant be that long? Is it just a case of getting a cat in place that will make it pass and a gay tune?
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