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Everything posted by barnz

  1. Bypass the solenoid see if it makes any difference. Not sure how to diagnose an external gate sorry.
  2. Fallout 4 ftmfw. Game of the year for sure. Bethesda pretty much always delivers but wow...20+ hrs logged so far and I keep getting distracted soing rando sh*t. Like building a mint settlement, scavenging, exploring, modifying weapons ect.. didnt think I could be so impressed after playing every other fallout title...
  3. Must of been if it had to come off in sections...
  4. Cmon peter farkin hell, do I need to do a photo essay for you on the basics. It really is easy man and will save you lots of monies. I did oil, filter, general things like turbo filter and tb clean ect. Plus fixed the windscreen washers. All in about an hour for less than 100 bucks. How much do you think you would pay for that?
  5. Ba pretty much mandatory, fg and maybe bf2 would be ok at that level BUT, theres no real definitive answer, some fg's have needed them at around the 300 mark. If your tuner experiances valve float, you need them haha, not the ideal time to find out...
  6. That or the chain has jumped and it cant/wont retard enough. Seems unlikley both solenoids would go at the same time. Oil pressure switch is on the lower lh side of the block, turbo feed might work if you have a remote filter setup
  7. You just got owned by peter...
  8. ^^^good advice Transfering rego interstate can be a nightmare with mods. Unless your patient finding a modded one can be a pain. Again saftey cert issues so most go back to stock. Not to mention a seller is usually better off selling go fast bits separately. Its a buyers market at the moment mate, perhaps picking up a clean example at a great price would expand your options, otherwise be patient and check your saved searches daily. Lots of modified utes here but nobody selling that I have heard.
  9. 4pots, oem pads and lines. Afaik they are factory delivered that way and its a police only option. They run the 18in ba phoon wheel, again factory fitted. Thinking about that logically, if it were not factory fitment they would be putting the std gear back when they decommission the cars. One of the states chooses not to get the police pack, might be NSW but not sure.
  10. Not if it has starved keif, seals yes lots of smoke. Backfire could have been fuel, ive popped an intercooler pipe before and gone ah fark it and driven home and it smelt rich as. STFT can only go about 15% or something either way. However it should throw a code if the stft has wandered that far. May not activate the CEL though
  11. They are cheap plastic bits. Std options and things like memory seats and mirror indicators were appealing to me..
  12. Fark that's a pretty good price I think. I think they look awesome, but ive been a fan since first pics of them. More xr's ive seen the more I want one. They have increased the gap in looks between an xt and an xr imo. XR looks a bit more exclusive than it ever has, again IMO. Haters gonna hate but ive always felt an xr is just a xt with a wing and some wheels, and a T just that with a turbo... Which is why I went G6ET. Yes they are infact all the same sh*t but the further it distances itself from the base model the greater the appeal imo.
  13. Just been over all of what both of you have said with my brother and his PK ranger. Sent me a pic of his new HID's. I said your a penut dont put them in reflector lights. Surprisingly there are no aftermarket projectors for PK. With some tweaking they are less blinding to oncoming traffic. Projectors can be aimed more accurately BUT, at the right approach angle oncoming traffic still cops it. This is true even in oem applications. In a perfect world we would drive on flat roads and it wouldnt be a problem.....
  14. GQ RX so the 2.8 not sure if it has different box to the 4.2. that's good to know if its the same.
  15. Lol, yeah the abs idea is pretty ridiculous just for a VSS, would be nice though... Im aware of the dellows adaptor, do you really think the nissan box will take 400od fwkw though? If its anything like the r32 boxes which are from around the same era, it wont...I know little of the patrols drive train though. Dont think there were any Australian delivered vehicles that used a t56/tr6060 with a proper hi/lo t/case. He was gonna do a diesel chev conversion, we got talkin bout the barra mavrick over some sherberts and now the ball is in my court. I know its been done, running a 6spd man or possibly zf with t/case is probably where im making life difficult atm. Maybe we will just see how the nissan box goes eh...same story with this dodge fargo though or is it RWD OP?
  16. Looks like im going to be venturing down this path as well with my old mans GQ patrol. In regards to a speed signal ralph, is a tone wheel on the tailshaft or something still the way to go? How do you interface the output with an old speedo, does somebody do a converter that's suitable? Alternativley is getting the falcons ABS to function in a patrol using the std calipers and somehow getting the tone wheels and sensors in place just way to ambitious? Also doesnt the oil pressure switch go straight to the cluster on the coon? Should be easy enough to interface with the patrols oil light? I have my doubts about the Nissans gearbox being up to the task....so if an appropriate t56 with tcase was sourced dont they have a provision for an OSS, another way around speed signal possibly? Sry if im sapping your IQ, dont have time to look up that thread where a dude did this to a mavrick yada yada yada..... Im searching for it now.....
  17. Is that the replacements for the A1RM pad az, have not heard of the Z 8000
  18. So you changed only 1 coil pack? If so how was it diagnosed?
  19. Soon you wont be able to read Tocchi, then all you will have is the rando piccy thread. Happy days ahead....
  20. Fark I was just smashing some macie D'S whilst instafacing my twitter, whilst doing a skid. Better hand myself over to Tracey Grimshaw...
  21. Lol put it in mums car or something? I keep 98 in a jerry (coz racing mower) so a little bit of oil will only knock it down a few points. In a whole tank of fuel? Dunno probably negligible. Cant be any worse than what it sucks in through the pcv circuit.
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