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Everything posted by barnz

  1. ^^^lol u 2 are randos hey...I like that Had a 2nd interview just now over the phone. Flat out told me its down to me and 1 other candidate and will get an answer today.Pretty stoked either way as this is the first crack I've had at moving up the food chain. I am hopefull though cause its like 15min from home. About 20k more a year just starting and their mentality is they would prefer to train an experienced tech as this role is kind of redundant at this point as it is purley to ensure there is somebody to take the senior estimators position in 2 years when he retires. They currently have around 2 years work on the books. Fingers crossed [emoji2]
  2. Just throw them at the floor electrode down like panda does. Job done
  3. Panda that hot rod mag for the flames is located at robot disposal grounds which is nearly at the edge of the map NNW of the usaf satellite station. East of vault111/sanctuary. Cant uploaded screenshot from ps4 without faceballs or Twitter which I dont have sorry There is also a fusion core there and a prototype sentry you can activate and kill for more cores if your feeling up for it.
  4. OR its a tuned BA with 125 000km and stock valve springs. ..
  5. It looks bloody good mate, id be keen to see what sort of zorst you would produce.
  6. 29... Baseball bat + power armor + stimpacks = unstoppable no stratagey carnage lol. Also what difficulty level atr you guys playing on. Im on hard and have run into 3 legendary enemys that each dropped a peice of legendary armor. Still only level 13 abd havent even made it to diamond city yet.
  7. barnz

    Fg-X Sprint

    Usain bolt sticker pack edition coming soon
  8. Would have to go like a 2012 probably to be within the budget.
  9. What would you prefer than fluff, a VW? May be going on car allowance and want to use the coon so thinkin ill buy her a car. Nothing crazy, budget is like 30k max Fiesta ST looks cool Must be turbo she rekons lol..has driven the g6 more than me in actual fact. Work ute has been my daily.
  10. Well I knew you would say that.. Is your skoda a dsg? Some varying opinions on the DSG's
  11. Yep, fkn hot in bris vegas today. What do you rekon of the octavia RS kimbo, in particular the 6spd dsg? Thinking of getting the missus one as the g6 is very possibly about to become my work car?
  12. Defeated a sentry at level 12 with that tactic lol Once you have gotten good at online gaming against real people with brains...single player games are kind of a cake walk really. First thing I generally do is figure out the AI mechanics so I can exploit it. Some games have bettwr AI that switch up the tactics a bit to make them less exploitable but at the end of the day they have limited variables.
  13. Backup printer required maybe...it seems ridiculous to have to keep something so expensive just spare. I really need to buy a spare external filter for my 250l tropical fish tank. 500 bucks is alot for something I will just put away..
  14. Sentrys also drop fusion cores, 2 usually. A tough fight, even in power armor. I just strategically lay landmines and kite them, they move quickly so you will need to sprint to do it successfully. When they get to a low enough health they shutdown for a sec and their fusion core covers open up on their back which is their vulnerability. Then its hammertime, job done. Kite-ing is easily the the best way to abuse the mechanics of AI in any game, even some dumb human players will fall for it. For those who dont know how it works its basically using line of sight to make AI take a path you want, like flying a kite. Do it right and you will take minimal damage while the dumb ass runs over all your mines. Works well in other games that have damage over time mechanics. Apply DOT, get out of LOS run around, back in LOS to apply DOT again, rinse and repeat. Can also kite to a choke point like a door way, have your crossairs at head height...easy. Some AI is smarter than that in certain situations.
  15. The f6 was like 200 thou wasnt it? Got your moneys worth id say. Hardly swapping cars all the time..
  16. barnz

    Fg-X Sprint

    320 odd engine kw is possible with the current emissions gear isnt it? Pretty much the max of the factory cat though?
  17. barnz

    Fg-X Sprint

    Hmm so car sales are running an article atm off the back of the sprint seat pics speculating that it will infact have 325kw. That would be awesome if its true but seems like a number plucke from their ass. This is definitely a "ill belive it when I see it" car...
  18. Ha, am I really that bad? Cheers but probably solid advice for me...
  19. Applied for a job as an estimator after 12 years on the tools about 30 mins ago, got a call back 5mins later and an interview this afternoon. I am having one of those what are you getting yourself into moments but stuff it....time to hang up the pliers I think In my new office once I have them gold plated
  20. In my experience cats that like dogs, grow up with dogs seem to be alright. Both my cats have grown up with dogs. They come when they are called lol... bout 6pm I bring em in. Just stand at the door and call them and they just come running in, weird eh. Always hang with each other when outside as well which is more dog like behaviour as well.
  21. Lol, cats can be alright but it has to be the right one. They are very hit and miss. That one sounds like a keeper. Both my cats are crazy as batsh*t and pretty funny. They will also happily just chill out with my border collie, often find all 3 just spread out on the patio sleepies lol....
  22. Can be set up via load or accelelerator pedal position, so it only comes into play at 3/4 or more for example. Might even be able to do speed as well so you can launch it. Will mean no more clutch kicks but I imagine..but from what toads was saying it can be turned on and off?
  23. that's dumb and cruel, alot will just die and those that do survive will eventually become a pest as their numbers increase.
  24. Yeah it was as unpleasant as you would imagine....felt bad for the kid. Hope they were just on their way to work and stopped to help and not their cat..busy main road no houses really. Have also seen a random kitten running alongside the barrier on the highway very close to there as well. Feral cat problem maybe..
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