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Everything posted by barnz

  1. What sort of economy you get with the van pix?
  2. Rear engine barra powered hilux should be a good combo..
  3. Whats the intake manifold spacer and fg throttle body adaptor about? Arent you using the fg intake manifold?? Or do you mean the adaptor wiring harness? Is thr spacer meant to increase runner length or something? Fg inlet runners are plenty long? Nice to see somebody quantify their build to the dollar for all to see like that, cant help but feel you shouldnt though, for your own sake more than anything haha.. Exciting times ahead mate, looking forward to seeing you finally get the result you have been chasing all along.
  4. that's great skids...I was basically just reiterating what you said bout not being that impressive as the stock fg turbo would and has seen 330kw on a happy dyno so 330 doesnt sound that great, as you said. I know what your saying about mph proving/indicating rwkw and some stock turbod fg's probably have genuinely made 330 according to their mph.....but its really got nothing to do with my comment. Last time I agree with skids fkn hell.....
  5. Mmmm, a happy dyno could see 330kw on the stocker...
  6. No pricing and spec till January. I can already see the greedy dealers slapping 70k on them...the Turbo sprint better be bonkers to warrant such a price tag. If the rumors arent true and it just gets fg f6 config...big let down in a way coz imo fgx xr6t should have got atleast that config to begin with. Same power plant as 08???? Wasn't sabine on fifth gear? I said right from clarksons firing they will need chris harris to rescue it. Didnt think they would get him though. Sounds like a top gear I would watch.
  7. Just get em machined to the perfect offset if its possible then. Wouldnt be that expensive?
  8. Sweet..cant wait. Must be getting excited? Should totally put some toolboxes on it that house a nitrous system for maximum sleeperness
  9. Mate, dont change those wheels. It really is looking awesome on those wheels with moar low. The white looks great againt the nitro imo. If anything piss off thr tint on the lights and indicators... id say delete the side indicators and go mirror ones but you would need to paint them for sure. No nitro g6e's and I dont think xr50's either.. Is there enough meat on those wheels to machine the back for a smidge less poke? They look fkn mint man...
  10. Lol do remeber that when I was 17.....mate had a tx5 telstar, maccas trays for days. An RS would have been mint but I A needed a car by the 4th and B probably couldnt afford one realistically.... In other news ford have officially confirmed there worst kept secret, the Sprint's. No specs or pricing until January. Will be interesting to see what the last xr6t rolls out with. Its all feeling a bit like a rugs a milliom sale though....Will the sprint really be the last falcon...I can see an extra stickers edition on the horizon.
  11. First thing I did in the focus, its very skatey in 1st and 2nd with all the bs turned off...but fwd skids are still ohmo..
  12. A large 3 phase(cheaper) unit ducted is the way to go IMO. In QLD you just say I want 3 phase and it gets terminated at your house for free. As long as its in the street and in most cases it is.
  13. Neither am I. Just curious, not alot of people have been there...
  14. I thought the fg plenum had seen 700kw?
  15. barnz

    My Build

    That looks awesome! Nice skillz. Looks like its going to sit ontop of the ignition cover...area..?
  16. Picked up our Focus ST today. In tangerine scream. Just didnt warm to the golfs. I fkn love this car, 2nd gear roll on at 30km/h. Torque steer errywhere. These ecoboost engines really are awesome. 4th gear at 60kmh from 2000rpm and there is plenty of pull. Fat torque curves seem to be the way ford like their turbo engines.
  17. barnz

    460Awkw Ttg

    A few tuna distributors have lifted the head on well built engines at only 20psi on e85. I dont know if that's fat enough at the businesses end to do it though..I know its safer leaner up top something to do with cylinder pressures.
  18. barnz

    460Awkw Ttg

    That it may lift the head??..
  19. barnz

    460Awkw Ttg

    Shouldnt e85 be lean at the top end....not the bottom?
  20. A blower would be cool. Otherwise sell and get a turbo.. https://youtu.be/0Sfz8BYTdsU
  21. You know, you could have just got new batteries...
  22. barnz

    460Awkw Ttg

    Sooooo keen for vids of terry helliesHow absurd it must look is already making me giggle. Glad your warming to it mate, its a different beast I suppose. I to love a well sorted N/A V8 and there is alot of times where I miss it just for the sensory experience. But the relentless power of the barra is addictive, in gear acceleration from the lowish to mid range like when exiting a corner, is just awesome.
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