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Everything posted by barnz

  1. heaps of guys use those plugs, and engine builders often spin the engine up with the sump off using an external power source to check oil pressure, compression, and just make sure oil is getting everywhere it should. This is done on the veryron engine during assembly for example. I find it very hard to belive tbre wouldnt use assembly lube...
  2. you need to think about it this way kyle, this is no way a viable project for ford, many thought it wouldn't even happen. They literally did this just because they wanted to, to give the die hards one last thing to dream about owning. ONLY enthusiasts will buy this car, its been done on whatever shoe string budget they could get, coz to ford US its like flushing money down the toilet, its nothing but passion on ford aus behalf and were lucky to get anything at all...
  3. love the wheels, hope they do get cool coloured brakes, red has been DONE. all so pretty sure its confirmed brakes will be 6/4. Havent heard much about the suspension, think its just the old rspec, none the less a much more complete package, their tyre selection will go along way towards the package as well. will be very interesting to see what number these "actually" roll up, the overall looks are pretty damn good id say
  4. Of course not really as if I actually contribute anything...just sarcasm. Benz thing was just a joke I had seen you post bout it and why you traded in the upgrade thread. Sorry to offend. Tapatalk issues are just formatting, not sure how this appears in the browser but the paragraph spaces get lost once posted, this does not seem to be an issue with tapatalk as its not an issue on other forums. Also cant see any likes anywhere, at all. Your own posts or others. You do however still get notifications about it, again only occured after the upgrade and others have reported the same issues. Thought the upgrade thread was locked now? so posted bout here, not really that pissed off bout it at all though... I understand things arent free and had also seen your post about being out of pocket for this upgrade previously. Id have to agree with keif though, I just assumed running costs,maintenance, upgrades ect would be covered by sponsorship and advertisers. I understand you work and this is not a source of income... probably is about time I donated....
  5. buys a benz, asks for donations....I feel my presence is enough...
  6. well it nearly works biz the bugs are pretty minor in the scheme of things, just annoying more than anything. Im still using it. Tried you generic IT advise for sh*ts and giggles Rab, no dice. Keif, the forum needs the api installed to even work at all, which It didnt at first after the upgrade, which CJ covered in the upgrade thread and said they needed to set it up. Which they now have, so they have in fact taken the time to give a sh*t...I just find it hard to belive these small bugs just dont require a bit of further tweaking and the forums OR tapatalks toolkit requires major changes to fix it. Ive used tapatalk for about 3 years and throughout that time it sure has had it's share of problems, NONE of which I would attribute to the forum itself. Honestly man tapatalk is a mint platform for forums on a mobile device, these issues arent bad enough to need to use a browser instead, Im sure it works just fine via any browser but that's not really the point...the whacked timeline issue hasnt occured in a while actually, im sure the upgrade isnt 100% yet and some things are still a work in progress so hopefully it will be sorted
  7. so your saying that the forums new software is incompatible with tapatalks current API....which is somehow tapatalks fault?
  8. fark sake keif....the way this forum works AFTER THE UPGRADE then...which I implied when I said "it worked fine before" So get farked you knew exactly what I meant..dont wanna use browser on my phone K. You always say just use a browser, I rarely access the forum from a pc so tapatalk is far more convenient and makes uploading pics a peice of piss. problems ive noticed, cant see likes at all, dont appear in threads including other peoples likes on their posts. formatting is fkd and just gets lost somehow leaving one big paragraph. Timeline is whack, sometimes shows posts from days ago as newest. Seems alot slower in general to refresh, open a thread, load pics. CJ said the other day "its a limitation of tapatalk" when somebody else "reported" the same issues, and its just not. Yes I can access the forum from a website, like any fkn forum...having them all in the same place in a mobile friendly app is far more convenient imo....
  9. seriously the way this forum works with tapatalk is fked, and dont try and tell us its limitations of tapatalk admins. complete bullsh*t, it worked fine before and I frequent about 5 other forums with tapatalk that also still work fine..
  10. I had the opportunity to leave it off as I had to change boot lids...I decided it looks like a stuck on peice of plastic sh*t...which is actually exactly what it is, really fkn well stuck on. Not possible to get that thing off without damaging the boot
  11. Still running this setup as well and tbh the a1rm's are kinda sh*tty just putting around day to day, noisy very dusty, initial pedal feel when cold is ordinary and can feel long and dull.(normal driving conditions are pretty much cold for these pads) but when you beat them hard and they are in their temp range, 10/10. Great setup and pretty much as good as the stock brakes will get but I think street/track is a bit of a stretch for the a1rm's. Theres nothing practical about them really. Keen to try the pmu's as they look promising, have already emailed them about getting some for the ST, which they still dont make yet apparently... Why does the tapatalk formatting goes to sh*t...that was like 3 paragraphs..
  12. Look in Phils threads hes covered it and the part numbers in more than one of his build threads/essays
  13. If your doing it on your own fark yes, I just do a gravity bleed most of the time though. Crack all 4 and keep topping it off whilst drinking beer
  14. Watch Making a Murderer if you havent already...... You will feel heaps better bout cops...
  15. Oh, soz only read the two posts above mine....
  16. Turbos kinda ruin the sound of a v8 imo, nothing sounds as good as a revvy n/a v8. Have you heard the new gt350's 8500rpm 5.0? It literally makes me want one
  17. Yep mine has gone vn spec, 08 fg. Not overly expensive to get redone.
  18. Cant recall ever hearing of a cylinder developing higher compression? How would that even happen?? The chamber would need to get smaller somehow?
  19. Proof of cracked head...dont belive it. Whats the situation? Overheating? Evidence of coolant in the oil? Or did your mechanic just decide its cracked???? 69000k's, what year? Warranty?
  20. Peppy flow tested them and found that there was only 5cfm difference between b series and fg inlet manifolds the win going to fg. The real difference is runner length and at a guess probably better distribution, oh and pipe work that actually makes sense.....
  21. Just make sure your aux input isnt turned right down in the settings before you get carried away.
  22. That donk looks awesome. Gaz is right, peppy had to go back and put them in after his recent rebuild IIRC. Its a pain but still easier to do it now before progressing any further.
  23. ^^^this guys knows, worked in a reputable panel shop for a while when I was in my trying jobs phase many moons ago.They did plenty of pre deliveries that had been damaged in transport.
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