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Everything posted by barnz

  1. love the look your going for. Then I look at that donk and skinny tyres and just think skids lol, you have probably already said but what box/stall? Any pics of the interior?
  2. ^^^^ Still need to be mindful about the installation of the braided line as the proximity to exhaust manifolds as the cause of baking. Mine is basically free from where it does the 90 degree turn beside the valve cover, does a nice radius bend down to the turbo. The the earls line also comes with about 300mm of heat sheilding on it at the turbo end Also a tapered thread at the block, seen a couple of cracked blocks from over tightening.
  3. problem with jammers is the cops get a bit unhappy when their sh*t decides not to work on only 1 vehicle....
  4. been using 10 for a while now, its good. I was a win 8 hater and stayed on 7 for ages as well.
  5. you got a xcal with this one didnt you? put stock sh*t on, flash to stock, pits. Reverse
  6. Other good netflix watches ive binge watched so far are orange is the new black, narcos, now onto American horror story. Netflix ftw, if only it had live sport...
  7. even if there was omitted evidence that would make him look worse, not gonna change how shady the cops come off which I felt was more so the point. Pretty sure then intent of the show was not to prove his innocence. Saw a theory that it was one of his nephews and his mate that did it, figured they would frame steve given his track record, and by sheer luck the cops did the same. I dont for a second belive the police would move her remains there ect...Said nephew is also on record saying "this is the best thing that's ever happened" when he was scentanced. Strange thing to say....Bobby I think his name was? Not the nephew that was found guilty as well..
  8. zf lurch is common, its just the box grabbing 1st as you slow to a stop. Drive it in manual in 2nd to a stop, then select 1st. Gone. I assume this is how its tuned out as well
  9. we get ripped so much in oz anyway, been looking at stuff for the ST. Even at the chitty dollar its most things would be about 2/3 of the price...smaller market to recoup r&d I suppose. ST is a global model
  10. .....why are there 2 valves?
  11. Mate I feel sorry for you in a way but in some I dont..What your doing for your son is way more important in any case. Hope to see you round here again.
  12. ^^^ LOL, dont forget the "cheat" its just gotta be "25 degrees outside".....pretty sure it would have more to do with IAT's then ambient but ok... if the cooler gets heat soaked after a thrashing it wont matter if its 15 ambient. there is still more to it than that we saw in the wheels dyno video it didnt overboost on the first run..
  13. 576nm at 2750 is impressive around 163kw, 325kw at 6000rpm is about 525nm Xr8 claims 575nm from 2200rpm-6250rpm, bout on par with the 6 in the bottom end but even after the 345kw peak at 5750 its still making 339kw at 6250. Bout as good as an idea of the power delivery we can get without seeing the curves. Id say xr8 is quicker. Bit surprised by that monster torque spread.
  14. Oh fkn dear. Hows that for some gravity gunna? The fact tony joined just to have a say pretty much says it all.....enjoy the humble pie I guess. When your done with the pie call FPT or maybe even Profile, learn from this and let the professionals do what they do best and have faith in those that have worked hard to earn their reputation...
  15. im interested to know the nitty gritty about the Barra325. Wonder if it is infact different to to fg f6 donk. Did they just use f6 Injectors, hope they didnt use the f6 cooler...if the internals are any different. Turbo even? How aggressive the tune is, and its power delivery, may not just be 15kw peak it could be fatter else where...they have given it more tyre, I have a feeling its going to be the quickest falcon ever despite it's apparent power disadvantage, they have pretty much done all the things we would do when modifying one, without going power mad of course
  16. tv in the garage ftw, also loving the double unicorn build. onlw watched the first 2 eps. Was awesome watching stig gaze at his new shiny adaptor plate, hes must have been thinking, "this is really going to happen"
  17. That does work but tells you only a little, if it reads open or high resistance you would have more than likley noticed that whilst driving. to actually measure the output of the coil under high load which is generally where they fail requires getting a probe(think similar to a clamp meter) around the lead, which is inside the head obviously. Which is why it's pretty much impossible to properly test the secondary of a COP setup in situ. The best way to test them is actually via OBD and log mftot (total missfires) If your plugs are a known quantity it can only be 1 other thing. In saying that in some rare cases its actually the coil driver, new pcm aint cheap so id do the coils first. My fg felt a bit crap, logged 50 missfires in a half hour trip. replaced coils, 0 in half our trip. Not fool proof though
  18. impossible to test the secondary part of the coil in situ, if you have the right equipment to bench test then great, most wont. paying somebody to do it...may as well buy new ones.
  19. lol trust me biz I get the feeling our driving style is similar, your car does bigger skids though...
  20. I see 9's on open roads/highway cruising. 15 in traffic/short trips
  21. 6hp26 is rated to 600nm and manufacters usually stay on the conservative side with their ratings. they are well in the safe zone at 576, after market has seen them take a fair bit more, 350rwkw is about the max reliable figure for a stock box, so that's what, 380ish fly wheel. All with the same limiter, these engi es peak before the limiter anyway...
  22. 2 asians karnts be like "ls crank only dis big"
  23. spot on with raiding the already engineered stuff from the "parts bin" and spending what little they had on engine development and sprint related asthetics. Really hope they choose a good tyre as it really makes a difference in the media testing circus, of course most owners will change them when the time comes
  24. so your saying that valvetrain is 100% dry no residue at all?
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