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Everything posted by barnz

  1. lol its to close to call even by times rednose, ppl have done a high 10 with high 390's I belive but honestly...I know they say you will feel 10rwkw difference, but between 395 405? I dunno. 400's on 98 with the 3582 probably is an exaggeration, it would be fair to say it maxes out at around 400 on 98..
  2. In order, boost solenoid clean/bypass test sus it all out. Throttle body clean. any other symptoms like a rough idle or stalling? TPS could be sus. All ok do coils and plugs coz although your post is incomplete it sounds like its going to sh*t under load rather than boost cut or over boosting coz in that case you would probably report something like "goes hard then just dies at X rpm"
  3. sure there are no fees keif lol...hes gone quiet. Bet he's researching the sh*t out of it right now
  4. Still a few avalible in NSW I think...wherever rockdale ford is. People have gone to the other side of the country to buy a 2nd hand T so if people really want one they will chase it down..
  5. spoton, guy at st george said leave 5 bucka in there lol, probably wanted just that little bit more interest the scum
  6. true my ST is 15bucks for every month left and that's with st george. Some early exit fees are crazy and alot of people dont even realise they exist.
  7. wise choice I think keif, fark interest. What were the early exit fees like? better than paying the interest obviously...
  8. all good if you truly want to commit, it looks nice, is it mint inside? a BA will possibly live with 350rwkw and the right tune, the k's are getting up there. The btr wont like 350rwkw for long...you could always do all the big bolt on's straight up with veiw to a new motor and built box
  9. lol was gonna say start with a new motor....low 300's is pushing it for a BA donk car looks awesome btw
  10. This spool valve ive been hearing about for a twin scroll mounted on a normal manifold sounds interesting and promising. Albeit adding complexity and cost.
  11. Honestly stripes I looked at the edge for about 2 mins when tossing up between it and the std s6 and I felt it was a wank and the screen edges would get annoying. already felt my fat hands doing random touches on the edges within minutes. They could/may have fixed it with a patch creating a dead zone on the edges I dunno. Have a good play in the shop I guess. Hardware wise apart from the screen same same
  12. Mines great, lasts ages with moderate use, just turn off all the useless battery draining samsung features...was bad at first though
  13. definently going to need a retune to suit the NA compression....
  14. Seen a white FG GT with those and quite a pokey offset? Looked tough, maybe just an aggressive offset to clear the brakes?
  15. lol had a 5.0 calais that had y pieces just before the diff and you could make it open pipes by taking the plates off. sounded good when on it but holy sh*t the drone at cruising speeds was rediculous. Literly had to yell to talk to a passanger when cruising. exhausts that exit beneath the car are not great imo should pop it out the side before the tyre ozzy. Pretty sure its legal on a ute, just has to be rear of the door by X amount.
  16. Nice to hear them showing some compassion for once as they weren't really under any obligation to do so. All the best for you and the kids hopefully your luck changes from here on. I blame the dealers more than ford for poor PR tbh. The proof is peoples experiences vary from sh*t to excellent depending on the dealer.
  17. great outcome, what is the brand new long costing? Just wondering how much ford have discounted it for you?
  18. running aggressive pads helps somewhat I think as well. cant really tell if its just the quality of the DBA's or the aggresive A1rm's but ive done bout 25 thou since fitting them with zero issues apart from epic dust and a bit of noise now and again. RDA and OE were fail..
  19. Tangerine Scream FTW....wish it was a falcon color, looks heaps better than the cab orange
  20. been on the lookout for a mint manual rspec. Grown quite fond of them. Im either going to do it right or get rid of it haven't decided. In any case im not done with the barra..
  21. Been driving the ST latley and haven't been in the g6 in a while..Drive it last night and there was a faint smell of oil and felt a little lazy with a little more spool noise.....So Im like right fkn sh*t factory hoses have come loose obviously. Pop the bonnet, front cover is covered in a mist of oil that's been coming from where the piping attachea to the outlet...So obviously the seals are well on their way. Still makes boost fine and sounds fine but its not a normal amount of oil. Why does it piss me off? Coz im sort of at a turning point with this car, I love it, lots of memories and sentimental value. But its like do I gear up for a 6235 while the turbo is on its way out, just replace the core...or move it on while it still presents ok (trade it). The reality is...the leather looks...well 8 years old. steering wheel is worn, shifter worn, various interior bits need replacing coz just sh*t..Switches that feel sh*tty ect. roof lining starting to sag. Bushes are fukd and its pushing 115 000ks. Manual bf f6 is sounding good..... I will add it still looks great exterior wise, front bar could use a touch up from the usual scrapes. No reason to belive there is anything wrong with the motor but the ZF is feeling a little worse for wear, Im not very sympathetic lol...1st, 2nd slight pause then third whilst rolling at low speed on the brake, let go limiter bash etc... Short shift ALOT usually right in the peak of the torque curve for maximum farts, sometimes even flames im told... there is probably more Im guilty of...Its been serviced and engine is every 7500 but still Im hard on the equipment..
  22. do agree fg mk2 was the best take on the "ford design language" "unified front" whatever the fark they want to call it. If you look at the new muzzy, RS, even the ST. They all have a very similar front but they all protrude more than the fgx. FGX looks like its been smacked in the face with a shovel. Hence the reason it looks great from some angles, sh*thouse from others...
  23. awesome to hear somebody that's going big putting the time into the VCT and not locking them. Can actually broaden the power band if taken advantage of
  24. you sit on the toilet naked?, done that mid shower coz urgent....felt weird
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