correct about the v8sc lol, you know what keif I thought should I specify a billion on the whole car not just the chassis. Nah generalisation will be enough...nope not for keif, I also had you in mind when I was thinking that. Your reputation for beinf a nit picker proceeds you..
It is "just better" though. Comparing a falcon with fully modified suspension to a stock vf pretty much says it all...bolt ons can only do so much. A good example of this, was watching a vid of a time attack race car build of an r34 gtr. They actually engineered new component's to change the suspension geometry to get rid of the inherent understeer a gtr has due to its factory geometry.
So yeah suspension geometry, chassis stiffness, sh*t like that, do make it "just better"
im really not bias having owned both, saying things like, a well setup falcon will out handle a stock daewoo is total, bias, boaganism denial....on the flip Expensive Daewoo will NEVER build an engine better than ford, no argument. Just take them both for what theh are