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Everything posted by barnz

  1. I have way bigger legs than heaps of gym junkies. Infact they are still pretty ripped and I havent ridden BMX or Mountain bikes for quite some years now. Get on a pushy and go tear some sh*t up, atleast you can have fun and get fit. Disclaimer: Road bikes and cycling in the way of large machines is for ohmos. Probably should have quotes a post that's a response to like...2 pages ago...
  2. BP98 is the only fuel my ST doesnt knock on heavy loads. Like 4th gear roll on at 60 coming onto boost. Has more than enough tourqe to move itself effortlessly at that speed/gear. Stock tune as well which is poor effort on ford globals part. sh*t you not its like they tuned it for premium and they rely on knock control for lower octane fuels. Even though says e10 compatible on the fn fuel door.
  3. that's correct keif....But they were talking bout IAT's im pretty sure. aaron is the red line the ethanol mix? coz that's quite a big difference particularly in the top end for same same boost. Or is the blue line just a conservative tune or something?
  4. Stripey knows I care...I just want a tow bar...
  5. Anybody in brisvegas have a tow bar for an fg sedan they want to sell?
  6. Australian cars actually have very good saftey ratings. Such a shame about your car mate. Even worse when its some other peanuts fault.
  7. Still trying to finish fallout 4. Time is my problem
  8. From memory that's actually THE black edition front bar that got heated and massaged to fit those pumped guards. IIRC a mould was made but it was never reproduced in the interest of originality and not flooding the market. That car should be called blasphemy not finnigans 57 chev/hemi. The fact its such a wrong thing to do to a GT and so extensively modified in a somewhat subtle way is why I love it.
  9. dam fkn right bloody lights, I had one blow here and there, on the weekend though yeah should probably do something about that, needed 7 of the karnts round the house. Almost stopped at the wholesaler for bulk value...I just paid like 40bucks at bunnings for 10...Still im not a meth head that's too much to spend on light bulbs..
  10. Interesring dishwasher tip ralphy, underwhelmed with our new one as well for reasons already mentioned. On the water though the old one would clean everything sweet as no matter what you used. Only replaced cause the float switch died and it was like 15 years old. Replaced 20 yo fridge, defrost element trips the breaker in like 6 months. New oven grill element litlerly exploded ans open circuited in a similar time frame. All purchased at same time.
  11. Gets worse when you start talking about the actual red team. Sprint did not deliver the underdog punch we were expecting. They remain adamant one day the planets will align and they will overboost there way to the moon FACT
  12. lol azza!, I thought you just trolled the sprint thread on aff these days...
  13. I really, really doubt she doesnt know it...Fishing for compliments maybe, oblivious fark no. You think no other guys have noticed she's fit as fark and havent let her know....cmooooon man. Your ex has nice hair btw must of cost a mint every month....
  14. wow...ended that post with a sledge hammer
  15. Whats worse is you cant tell me sites arent aware of the culture and know half the karnts are tweaked even though they test clear and they cant do sh*t. There brains are still fried and they are a liability and they know it..
  16. fgx g6e has a black roof and map lights etc
  17. cmoon man so close. Has the hz turned a tyre in anger yet?
  18. fark man have a bong or something..cures insomnia...
  19. Harris and Schmidt are the only ones worth keeping on imo
  20. looks mint, drl's are meh but he is right about the black backing cost less than a honda as well
  21. Umart has been my pick over the years. Have used MSY also
  22. haha you shouldnt, he will make a mint rebuilding peters entire farkin car
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