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  1. Started using scivation xtend almost a year ago, noticed I could work out harder for longer, and also noticed a boost in recovery. I sip it on the way to the gym and during the workout. Id recommend it and am convinced about BCAAs, and would be keen to try out humapro.
  2. Mine used to do it really bad. Ford said they couldn't see anything wrong with it so I got the sh*ts and had a look myself one weekend. Fixed it in 10 seconds with a shifter by taking a bit of slack out of the handbrake cable. My fix is HERE with a pic. One year on now and the noise is still permanantly gone!!
  3. Just one fault doesn't make it a lemon. My ute used to do the exact same thing. Ford said there was nothing wrong with it so I got underneath and had a look around and managed to fix it myself in 3 minutes. There's a thread here somewhere about the dreaded rattle and I think I had put pics up of my fix. The rattle/vibration is permanently gone now.
  4. Actually I think that's for ringtones not for message tones like sms etc. Give it a bash anyway, it might work if you have an iPhone 4. I believe the only way to put custom text message tones on previous models was to jailbreak it.
  5. ubute


    Haha, I just got that email of the dog... it's probably the only planking pic that made me laugh.
  6. A guy at work sussed this out for his wife's iphone. You need to convert the MP3 to an ACC file in itunes, which should give it the file extension .M4A then you rename the file extension to .M4R in windows then you should be able to upload it back to your iphone and use it as a ringtone. Something like that anyway, don't remember the full steps. Google should fill in the blanks
  7. The way I see it, if you want a phone that is simple to use and "just works" the the iPhone is for you. If you want something that does more than "just works", that you can customize and make it work the way you want it to (eg do something as simple as put your own custom message tone on it, not just the half dozen that Apple picked out for you) then look at Android. I guess this is mainly the case if you want to keep the phone stock and not jailbreak it. That's not meant to sound like an iPhone bagging, I think they're great at what they do. I've played with other iphones and iopd touches and they're pretty nifty to use, but I'd never give up my Android phone for one. I think iTunes appstore is better than the Android Market, plus you can buy stuff with paypal on it, whereas the market is only googles crappy checkout thing which I've never bothered with. Personally I only really care about free apps as I'm a tigharse so no biggie for me. I like the free turn by turn voice navigation with Android too as it saved me buying a TomTom etc, not sure if iPhones have that? Another good thing about HTC for example (and most other brands other than apple) is you're not stuck with a proprietry connection for charging and data transfer!! You don't need to have the special iphone cable or special chargers that are excessively priced. Battery life is much of a muchness, on the android you can do a lot of stuff to manage battery usage. You can turn 3G data on and off easily which is handy if roaming, while with iPhones I am under the impression this is not so easy? Anyway, go to the shop and play with both types, or 3 types if you are open to Windows Mobile 7 which from the bit I played with seems very quick and smooth.
  8. "When they swapped to the Late model camira V8 Supercar, Lowndes was six seconds faster than Button: 2min 11sec versus 2min 17sec."
  9. Go to www.video2mp3.net paste the YouTube link and press the button. As dags said don't expect earth shattering quality but it's better than nothing.
  10. It's not so much the fact that NBN Co is legally exempt from FOI by default, it's more that Gillard was pushing to keep it that way. It's an incorporated that was set up solely to fullfil a Government policy (probably the most expensive ever), therefore should rightly be subject to scrutiny.
  11. My mate got us whiskey glasses engraved with "Best Man" or "Groosman" and our names and the wedding etc, they were nice... a bit of single malt to go with it would've been good hehe
  12. I love how NBN Co is going to be exempt from freedom of information laws. What a load of sh*te. Sure the NBN will have its positives, but I reckon it's still overkill bringing fibre to the home. I always thought it would be cool having a T1 connection directly to my PC (probably to facilitate the faster viewing of nudity), but surely it would be enough having fibre to the node and then copper from there. It was one thing with Julia's leadership when the flooding was just affecting QLD, but now the flooding is becoming a more national issue so is Julia's (lack of) leadership. "There's a lawwwt of waarter aroouuund isn't theeere.... I better kiss a bayyby or somethiiiing..."
  13. The current level of Wivenhoe as of 9am today is 2,049,705ML and rising, up from 1,728,590ML same time yesterday ... pretty scary when the absolute full capacity including flood mitigation is around 2,600,000 ML And the rain just keeps dumping its guts along the same path from the Sunny Coast all the way southwest to Inglewood/Texas.
  14. Haha insane. I think the whole internet is reading the thread now
  15. About farking time some of these numbnuts saw the light...
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