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  1. Yes sorry about double post, thought the first one didn't go through. I also find the meguires greasy. I'll check out the website you recommend. Cheers
  2. Hi Ralph I use meguires gold class leather cleaner and conditioner. How do you rate that product for G6E leather? Cheers.
  3. Hi Ralph, I've been using meguires gold classs leather cleaber and conditioner. How do you rate that for G6e leather? Cheers
  4. You call yourself experienced!! Im very surprised you run a buisness with your attitude and knowledge. You obviously must have alot of complaints about your attitude workmanship and materials you use in your upholstery buisness.that's why your having a go at me because I went to dealer and told them my leather was peeled, ripped, cracked, stabbed , scuffed, and what ever else you want to call it. Dont be upset mate its not costing you money.
  5. Z2TT, You need to read my post again mate!! I didnt say you were rude for asking the question, I said the clown Rab (the doctor 46 ha!!) Shouldn't have been rude to you with his comments about the question you asked. With his remarks like "wooden fence need painting" and so on Its ok I'll accept you apologie before you post it. Rab Do me a favour dont reply to my posts ever again. Obviously its eating you up inside that my leather is getting replaced under warranty.
  6. Haha well!!!! I knew there was something about you rab that got you in a fluff about my leather. My pic above isnt probably as clear as yours but if you get your little magnyfying glass out rab and have a very close look at my leather, its at the beginning of what will happen to mine eventually looking like your pics. I'm pretty sure the pics your showing started off very very small peeling also mate. I'm still mind boggled why its irritating you so much that im getting my leather replaced under warranty, oh I know maybe its because you also you very cheap leather in your buisness and when people come back to complain you tell them its there fault because there suppose to pyjamaswhen siiting on it. Also there's no need to be rude to Z2T, he asked a question and you jumped down his throat. I hope that's not how you treat your customers but then the way you have commented on here I wouldnt be surprised.
  7. Mate you are still missing the point, leather is not supposeed to peel or rag (as you call it)and if you read my posts carefully I never said Ford cars are sh*t. I enjoy driving my car and and my opinion, its the best model ford and best value car on the road for the comfort and power its got. As for dealer I didnt give a toss if he agreed with me or not. All I know that leather is not suppose to rip , peel, crack or rag (as you put it). Yes both seats same spot, if it was me or mrs getting in out of the car that made the leather rip, peel, crack or rag (as you put it) that's not my problem because I know leather shouldnt be doing that. So I was adamant that the leather in my car is not up to standard for my liking and I wanted fixed under warranty. I was lucky enough the dealer agreed with me and I didnt have to put up an argument. Like I said to you in previous post not all cars come off the line exactly the same, some have different issues . Mine happens to be leather. The other 20,000 cars have other issues or none at all. If ford actually tell you that its cheap grade leather and you should becareful getting in and out of the car well then you know what to expect. Anyway rab this is getting boring now, you have your opinion and I have mine. Im happy to say my leather is getting replaced under warranty and that's what I wanted.
  8. Rab what is your problem mate!! I know what peeling is and looks like. The bloke at dealer him self said the leather they use is crap and they have had cars come in with same problem that they have repaired under warranty. Im glad your leather has stood the test of time. Mine hasn't, but mine doesnt have have squeaks and rattles like others do. So rab you would think all cars come off the line exactly the same but reality is they dont. When you buy brand new and there are defects you use the warranty period to have these defects fixed.so mines booked in mate.
  9. I dont care who gets paid, my aim was to get seats re leathered under warranty and I got it.
  10. Well I went to dealer and spoke to a bloke in service dept, Told him my leather was peeling on the seats. When he came out to see the seats and showed him where it was peeling, With no hesitation he said " oh there, yep you shouldnt have a problem getting that replaced. I thought you meant on the sides of the back rest where you get in and out of car where you tend to rub all the time getting in and out, but being there You should have no problem what so ever". So car is booked in next week for there upholsters to see and get codes and color to replace seat leather. As I new already and confirmed by him, It is very cheap grade leather ford use but even then it should still not peel but maybe scratch easier. Just goes to show how really crap grade ford use on their interior. So im pretty happy that I didnt have to put up an argument and happy to say seats will be replaced under warranty.
  11. No problem rab, always good to have a healthy discussion. From what I've been told real leather should only scratch, scar (vein looking lines) Leather its self should not lift,I'm talking top layer only and that's whats happened. This must be the worst grade of leather there from what I've been told. I'll keep you posted what dealer says but I will put up a good argument. Weather I win or lose time will tell.
  12. Rab I didnt start this thread, im just adding my leather seat problem to it. Obviously you are not looking at pic properly, I know it not a good shot but to me its signs of peeling. Im expecting dealer to say same thing you said that I have run something of the top of it. Yes same spot on both seats, surley if it was ragged or sharp object no way it could have happend exactly same spot. Maybe it is something of a bit of clothing me or the mrs wear, still its leather and should not peel it like that. scratch it yes Anyway ill take to dealer and see what they say.
  13. Yes mark or scratch the leather I can understand but not peel. Leather should not peel. Has yours peeled or just marked/scratched?
  14. I discussed this with the mrs and she does not have any rivets or carries pens in her pocket. This is suppose to be real leather and real leather is tough and virtually indistructable, you can run a blunt object along it and leather should not peel what so ever. Yes you can scratch it but not peel, it wont even puncture. To me this is bonded leather not genuine leather. I think I have every right to ask dealer that I wont except this and this should not happen even if I do have metal studs on my jeans that's rubbing against the seats. Yes it will scracth leather but not peel. Leather does not peel. As you can see from pic its only signs of peeling there are no scratches visible. I expect dealer to solve this issue for me.
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