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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Adminihamster aint got time for trivial car threads
  2. Get a multi-meter set it to Volts and measure how much Voltage is being made at the alternator at idle. Should be around 14V. Also check at the battery positive too. FTFY
  3. No you own a boat tail hatchback. Real sedans have engines that go fronty to backy not sidey to sidey and have a spinning bit that goes down the middle of the car and makes the back wheels turn.
  4. By another sedan and never complain about Diff bushes again.
  5. Im liking Adminihamster at the moment.
  6. merge/smerge it's all about how you chow the footlong.
  7. Kief became Adminihamster just so he could aggressively link posts.
  8. Everything will eventually die. But the design of this setup removes two major issues with the stock setup.
  9. Obvious rule edited to make it even more obvious.
  10. Disqualified. Rule clearly states only combo's of Hamster & Admin. Hamster- A Nickname for a person that eats Subway Sandwiches like a Tard.
  11. So now that Keith has established himself as Admin and we have established he is actually a Hamster I think we need a new forum nickname for our illustrious leader. I'm think we combine the words Hamster and Admin (a portmanteau if you will) to give us all an easy way to refer to the Hadministrator (Hadministrator being an Example of what I'm suggesting) I'll kick it off- Hadmin/Hadministrator (obviously) Hamsterstrator Hammin Admihamster Etc Etc Throw your suggestions up here and best answer gets a like from me and 2 internet Points. Only rule is name must consist only of a combo and Hamster and Administrator or a contraction or either no other words permitted.
  12. Imagine how he would actually eat a potato...
  13. The Handling is probably..... wait for it.......... Outrageous.....
  14. Do you eat your zinger burger by nibbling around the outside in ever decreasing diameter circles until the burgers gone?
  15. Remove the turbo,replace the bolts and get someone who knows what they are doing to tack the bolts with a tig and stainless filler wire.
  16. #kiefalwayshastotakeashortstatementandconvertsittoanunessecarilylongstatementthatdescribesthesamethingastheshortstatementdescribedoriginally.
  17. #subwaymasterrace is #nevergonnabeathing #chloe.gif #cheers #Pandas
  18. I would translate that to the installed height of the clutch was higher than stock so the Centric Slave Cylinder (hydraulic release bearing) was applying pressure to the clutch spring although the clutch pedal was release and in turn reducing the clamping pressure on the clutch allowing for slippage.
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