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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. whaaaaaat? did you get a pay out?
  2. Floor mat stuck under the gas pedal?
  3. Npt male into bspp female yeah. Bspp male into npt female not so great.
  4. Inducer applies to both the comp and turbine wheel. Precision (as do most) use the Comp Inducer and Turbine Exducer as they directly effect the flow capability/response of the turbo.
  5. Engine does not need to be removed to replace the Timing gear.
  6. very easy to remove. If you're lucky and have the early style with no retaining bracket they will slide out without removing the recover cover. If you're getting cam timing faults codes and not came solenoid errors it's more likely a timing chain issue so it would pay to remove the rocker box either way to verify cam timing.
  7. which but would really suck,,,,,,removing just the rocker cover or,,,,,,removing the cam assembly? either way rocker cover off only.
  8. link back for likes............just adminihamster stuff
  9. Ralph Wiggum

    My Build

    What EFF said, of if you want to get fancy either buy a proper pressure bleeder ie this or similar- http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Pneumatic-Brake-Fluid-Bleeder-Perfect-Air-Brake-Bleeder-Without-Refill-Bottle/141869147369?_trksid=p2141725.c100338.m3726&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20150313114020%26meid%3D85a0d2b70d5b422bb5f4757da2154404%26pid%3D100338%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D27%26sd%3D141547516884 Basically you use shop air (at low pressure) or a hand pump to pressurise the reservoir then force fluid up from the bottom. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, knowing the CSC has been apart Personally I would drop the box and bench bleed the CSC. Or a least pull the box back far enough that you can bench bleed it in situ. By bench bleed I mean cycle it by hand and allow it to draw fluid through it.
  10. http://turbobygarrett.com/turbobygarrett/turbo_tech_basic
  11. You should read the turbo 101 articles.
  12. You need to keep accurate time for track possessions and train movements don't you?
  13. Each to their own,if you like it Biz more power to you. I prefer a simple clean watch with a large face #becausegorillawrist. This is my daily work watch. I hope your using status as a railway worker to tax deduct the cost of the watch Biz.
  14. Ralph Wiggum

    My Build

    csc will be full of air. Pressure bleed from the bottom up if you have the gear.
  15. It has a totally different sound to the usual commercial traffic. A much louder higher pitched Shrek. Soviet Russia gives no fucks about your hearing.
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