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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Easiest solution is to swap the boards from an ICC with the correct colour. If you can source one atca reasonable price.
  2. Use two to align the gasket, nip up two of the other bolts to secure it then remove the spacers?
  3. Those spacers are going to sieze solid on the bolts from the heat cycling I'm afraid. You're going to wind up snapping bolt heads off when you try to disassemble the joint.
  4. Add states comp and rebound adjustment....
  5. I'm sitting in my Armachair having a beer.
  6. Im putting some $11 coil's in my daily next week. If I stop posting y'all know they where fatal
  7. I know where Kyle lives and I know his WIFI password.
  8. Get a heap of this - For site and flush your ears out after you shower.
  9. Did you get................. Fired? (You see it's funny cause he installs fire systems)
  10. Brad's usually pretty helpful all round
  11. So much great work and they paint over the greatest colour ever with f'n primer. 10/10 ragequit
  12. Nah but I work on the asset management side of the signalling system so since our asset base is getting a fairly sizable bump in sheer numbers due to the gear required to support it I'm in the loop so to speak. (plus the project sends out weekly company wide progress updates)
  13. Manned commissioning runs at the moment. The company has a lot of requirements to meet before we let skynet loose
  14. "The Seven Five" Brilliant doco Micheal Dowd and a bunch of other crooked cop's in East NYC in the late 80s/early 90s
  15. We are coming for your Job as well Matty. We are going autonomous mainline very soon.
  16. We are closer to 2.7kms these days. Yes we still run pneumatic brakes but we run electric over pneumatic control systems. Not a smancy as electromagnetic retarder systems but we can do cool stuff these days like brake the portion of the train that can is travelling down hill while not effecting the portion of the train that still travelling up the hills, or brake from the rear wagons progressively through to the loco to stabilise the train etc etc
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