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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. his is more a golden yellow with gunmetal wheels ( I think) looks good IMHO.
  2. The owner of the Honda Shop here in Perth has a yellow one. Daily's it.
  3. Silver works better on it that I would have expected it to.
  4. I'll run you car. If I remove both my legs and half of my left arm we should be able to get the race wieght down to similar to you driving for comparisons sake?
  5. This discussion reminds me of a thread on another forum. Guys posts up pics obtain from one of his camera's of a meth head stealing the every same camera that obtained the pics. The pics also included the methheads company name on his shirt AND his car's rego number! Arrest followed shortly after.
  6. I can honestly say I've never had lamb schnitzel and the very thought of it makes me want to gag.
  7. We've covered this ground 11ty million times so far this month but for my money a decent street pads is the only way to go. My current person preference are the NS400's but to each thier own. IMHO if you want to track the car, invest in a set of track pads and swap them in for track days (you can do this the same time you set your suspension up for the track....You are setting your suspension for the track arent you??) and run street pads on the street. IMHO -If you think you can either A: drive around the issues with track pads on the street or B: keep them hot enough on the street you're either A: Kidding yourself or B: driving like a fuckwit on the street.
  8. You guys have an official currency? I just assumed you traded sheep for everything?
  9. LOL that's the early stages of sleep deprivation setting in.
  10. Nordloc's are the way to go, and don't be tempted to overtighten the studs as they will only strech once hot. If you want to fit a set of nordlocs let me know, My supplier will sell them indivually at excellent pricing.
  11. Sorry cannot recomend anyone Sydney mate. Same model and config will work. You'll still need to work throught the process listed above tho. If I was you I would sitll pursue the Repair option if possible. Also have a look here if you do go down the replacement list- https://www.bulletperformanceracing.com.au/BA PPC Data Base.html It should help you determine if a replacement will be suitbale.
  12. You're not "The Stripes" you're ".Stripes." The Stripes is a unit. Also-
  13. Not when going from manual to manual. Also going from Auto to Manual requires a touch more than just that ^ To do properly gear ratios need to set, torque management and idle parametes need to be adjust plus a couple of other things.
  14. I can't recall,its on toads car now he's posted vids.
  15. We can put a direct $ figure our delays usually so they get taken very seriosuly. It's always hard when we need track time for maintenance and the cost in lost trains is several Mil and the pay back period isn't achievable.
  16. Yup even when it's a track failure it's still a signal failure, heck where I am if the signal drops because a piece of rolling stock has shit the tin in that location it STILL a signals failure. We have some awesome "negotiation" sessions with the delay accountants week to week.
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