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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Agree. Get it wrong and it's easy to hurt the ABS pump if you run it out of fluid. I like the vacuum bleed unit I've got as it makes it a very quick 1 man Job, or in my case a 1.35man job as well since my 3.5yr get a kick out of operating the vacuum unit.
  2. If you really want to hurt them, tell them their calf muscles are small and undefined.
  3. Ciefo is that you? or is it Kamo?
  4. The bleed screw on the front caliper is in a very silly spot on the stock calipers and is actually the highest point so air can still be trapped in the top piston. But if the peddles good now and you suck out the reservoir and replace the fluid and pump it through but cracking the bleed screw and pushing the peddle down (but don't go full travel) close the screw lift the peddle and repeat it'll push clean fluid through without introducing any air. If you find you can't get a decent peddle. you'll need to remove the top caliper slide bolt and swing the caliper up so the bleed screw is vertical. It pays to prop it up with the disc between the pads so you can bleed it and not risk pushing pistons out. If you wanna get real schmancy you can bleed the brakes using forscan and abs pressure bleed function.
  5. Apparently my Typhoon is a Telstar/Meteor going by that site. I are disappoint.
  6. I've got an air operated unit I was going to offer you but not much use without a compressor! When you use the vac pump put some thread tap or grease on the nipple (teheheheehe) threads so no air is drawn past the threads, and it probably goes without saying but suck as much fluid out of the Reservoir as possible before you start and replace it with clean fluid.
  7. Yeah that's plenty mate. Have you got an air compressor?
  8. Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddddddddddddsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  9. How does the bill compare to the previous 6k quote?
  10. How does the bill compare to the previous 6k quote?
  11. How does the bill compare to the previous 6k quote?
  12. This makes me think the inspection might have a bit of holier than thou going and probably couldn't work as a builder (or in whatever trade). Plenty of "can't do so will get a job critiquing others work" type roles out there. But either way at least he's spotted the issues.
  13. What makes it fully sick? Neons/subs/rims?
  14. Thanks mate, I ordered some last week so all good thanks.
  15. Is the rule of thumb still jap amps and Yank/Euro speakers? Ive got a pioneer amp and Mourdant Short speakers but my amp is sloooooooowly dying.
  16. If that's the case s'he'll appreciate the dick pics so she can show the doc her preferred style
  17. Where's MattyP he loves trains and this threads a fucking train wreck.
  18. Dick pic on the hour every hour. She'll either be repulsed or wanna jump on it so either way you'll get closure.
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