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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. @pj4000 What's the alignment like on the actuator rod? I've found the ts iwgs need the bracket tweaked to correct the alignment. They have a nylon guide bush in the bottom that doesn't like too much misalignment and will cause additional drag on the rod.
  2. I don't see any personal attacks from my side? I've just asked you a couple of questions? I interested to know because perhaps I am wrong but I can't make that call without you clarifying what you believe is Incorrect about what I posted?
  3. Who's upset? I just asked a couple of questions and asked how you would deal with a particular scenario to better understand your knowledge and experience level?
  4. What is incorrect about my information? I'm also interested to know how many of these cars you've setup and tuned with a ts iwg especially a b series car with a stock wastegate. Im also interested to know how simply adjust preload will help with a car that overboosts at peak ve then drops off up top?
  5. LOL. If you think that is provocation......you need to get outside more. Try being the bigger man and not responding. It'll put hair on your hamsternads.
  6. Turboknapp ordered mine and his at the same time from a seller on ebay. I think we either paid $180ea or it may have been $220. Either way it was back when the USD was a touch less healthy.
  7. I've had a couple of TE units in the past and rate them. I've got an MTX-l in my car and an LM2. I replaced my old tech edge with the LM2 as the logging capabilty is more user friendly. Edit-MTX-l is fine to cut your teeth. Good for P98 and E85 and can be logged by the MVPI.
  8. Yeah he got me on that one. Not as good as the Safety Step got me but not bad either. I'll get you next time stripes....next time!
  9. Get the Pro version for the additional inputs for logging. You'll also need to budget for a wideband afr meter/gauge. Opinions vary but most of the name brand units are pretty good.
  10. Bummer, Matt didn't post the shipping docket with your details so I didn't get a chance to edit the photo with a drawing of a big wang to hide the details.
  11. Mike, HPT have a demo version of the software on the website. Maybe grab that and have a play? I've got a couple of FG Turbo files I can send you so you can have a look if you like. You can learn a lot from looking at the various models and the changes ford made to the calibrations
  12. The issue with reducing preload to prevent overboost on a stock port size is reduced response and high rpm blow out. Ideally you want the wastegate closed as long as possible to maximise the drive pressure on the turbine (for response) and then you need the port to flow enough in the midrange to prevent overboost, but still enough control (from a decent spring rate) to prevent the gate blowing open up top. If you have any post or pre turbo aiflow mods and want to use your TS IWG you'll at minimum need to get the tune adjusted to suit and potentailly you will need the port job. FWIW I really like they TS actuators. They need slightly different approach to set up and tune than a stock garett unit but IMHO the higher mass of the internals helps improve spool up and give a smoother curve (assuming mech conditions are correct to support this)
  13. Yes you are correct. Great write up BTW. I'm working on the KISS principle for Mike since he's new to the way ford does it's thing.
  14. Mike, The "slope" is the physical property of Fuel Flow vs Injector Pulse Width. The slope values are fuel mass per time unit (ie pounds per hour/ CC per Hour etc etc) When the injector is operating on the low slope it tends to operate in a less linear manor. This is (partially) because the injector is operating at close to it's min pulse width. Once the injector is flowing fuel on it's high slope factors like injector deadtime (the time it takes for the injector to physically move once energises) come into play and can limit overall fuel mass delivered. The breakpoint is the change over point from low to high. This is measured in mass of fuel as is usually the point the injector flow become linear Injector PW minimum is the minimum PW the injector can operate at in a stable manor There are multiple multipliers/adders that effect the final inj pulse width. IE- Flow v Pressue (not untilised in our cars) Offset v Voltage (this is an adder that increases inj pw for lower battery voltage) Offset v Pressure (as per offset v voltage but not use in our cars) This is a very simplistic explanation but should get you started. BTW im -Luke- on AL and Hiddeous on the HPT Forum. If you've got any questions sing out. Also if you decide to go ahead and want some coaching let me know as I do this quite often Sample of HPT basic injector data screen-
  15. On a scale of 0 to XB falcon nostrils on an FG how much do you dislike them?
  16. I think Honda has hurt your brain Stripes.
  17. The mount for the release lever breaks off the fuse box very common problem. Fuseboxes are all the same.
  18. Zf trans? Sniper can't tune a zf.
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