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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. How many screens would you need for full surround-o-vision?
  2. I'm not sure I buy enough clutches anymore to warrant a discount to be honest.
  3. No that would have decreased your wallet weight enough to even out the balance. If i'm reading your post correctly you'd like me to donate an NPC kit to you...................?
  4. Jokes on you,the extra weight of all that paint killed your clutch.
  5. It's just occured to me I have some fireworks sitting at home....nahmsayin?
  6. Would you say it was a................................. Good chat..?
  7. Im not having a shot mate, just possing the question. I've owned 4 series car and all have been Second Hand pick ups/Private sales. Did buy the wife a New TTD last year. Glad to have got one as there didn't appear to be too much out there that competed for our day to day needs. My old man is a life lone ford man and he constantly laments the demise of the falcon but also swears he'd never buy a new car, so I quite often have a sly dig that maybe if he did there'd be a 2017 Falcon.
  8. It's an interesting situation. Given we are all Ford enthusiasts how many have actually purchased a New Ford from a Ford dealer?
  9. Tell me they didn't know what they where doing with this headline- Palmer dealings hurt Wang vote https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/wa/a/32199368/palmer-dealings-hurt-wang-vote/#page1
  10. No if your mate has the Advantage 3 software package (assuming it's still called that) you'll be fine.
  11. Qik, my (very loose) understanding is the Xcal's setup for the AUS Ford Market are unique in terms of software/firmware and the pro racer package unfortunately, doesn't support these variants. The actual mechanics of it may be different to what i've posted but long story short US Xcal wont work on Aus Cars and ProRacer will only work on US Xcal's
  12. They don't cover the centre spoiler leg bolts holes (I think AWC mention it on their website) Not the greatest pic do to the reflections but you can see how the outer "legs" extend forward to cover the mounting locations. The centre holes will still be visible.
  13. It won't work. SCT and Xcal's are "region locked" (for want of a better term)
  14. Yup agree. Like I mentioned before was about to condemn the trans as it seemed like a mech issue. Now it looks like an imcomplete data stream upsetting the trans gear selection as it looses road speed reference.
  15. Got the car in question running again yesterday and tested me theory. Trans weirdness is gone and changing one parameter in the turn allows me to invoke the issue at will. I just need to work back through the ABS and IC configs to fix a non functioning TC overide button they she'll be heading back to here owner. House of Wiggum, your barra conversion of weirdness specialists
  16. I've often wondered when the law of diminishing returns kicks in with street tires in regards to width. IE unless running a super sticky compound what width reduces the pressure per square inch to the point that a slightly smaller tyre would provide the same grip level?
  17. I feel your pain! No stress Mate if /when you decide you want to do it let me know and I'll chase up pricing on the bits through my usual suppliers.
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