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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Is that seafood on a concrete floor?
  2. 2kgs is 2kgs but 2kg spinning is worth 3 times that. Moments of interia aside 6kg of reduction in rotating wieght is Huge. Imagine taking 2kgs off a crank or flywheel you'd definitely notice that.
  3. If kieth will admit gift cards are a better option I'm back in.
  4. Wtf did you say to the doc to walk out with temazepam? The Michael Jackson spec sleeping tablet. You'll probably wake up drousy and dopey as fark. Try circadin. It triggers your brain to release melatonin so you feel tired not dopey and will give you a good sleep without the benzodiasapine side effects
  5. What do you feel was the implication behind this part of the response?
  6. Kieth argues with the world v186858288451285128
  7. Only issue I have with mine is it's too tall to fit in the average office shirt or cotton drill work shirt top pocket. Apart from that can't fault mine. It's replaced my work diary and organisor and my tablet when I travel. Then genuine Samsung wireless charger is the sh*t too makes a handy stand as well. Having said that I'm of the opinion of get what works for you. If you prefer apple get apple vice versa if you don't get an Android. It's not war and peace people.
  8. Mazda, What you had done is FDE's base spec. Phil generally quotes them good for 800hp. He will also do similar specs to what jet is talking about and the price goes up accordingly. Many moons ago /thurple ute auto to manual conversion time) I had my driveshaft shortened by VEEM here in Perth. They are known locally as Very Expensive Engineering Mistakes. Drove the car home on the high at 110kmh and parked it. Moved it the next day to wash it and found a centre cv bolt sitting in the carport. Jacked it up and found the remaining 5 all loose. #q&apeopleq&a
  9. Feel good about dailying the unicorn this week. Pissed off how dirty it gets sitting around.
  10. I'm going with less cause I'll actually interested in what I'm doing ,instead of trying to push liquid sh*t uphill with a sharp stick like I have been for the last 7yrs.
  11. Thanks mate, I've spent more years fixing carapirrars and komagutsu's than I (or my lower back) care to recall. I get paid to think in this role so could be a challenge. Flash back for the ladies. It's OK though
  12. A&I specialist for another rock company Back to playing with big yellow Ute's and rock picker uppers.
  13. Penultimate day in my current Job. New job doesn't start till next yeah. Can I get a yeh boooooooi..?
  14. I fixed one years back for a bloke. Found some washers the appropriate size for the OD of the pin on the pedal arm. Striped the master cylinder and tig' the washers on the end of the shaft and it was good as gold. Just need to manage the amount of heat put into the shaft. (nobody like it when your shaft gets to hot and melt the rubber.....seal)
  15. Send it back for a refund. Save your pennies and get an ims diff hat
  16. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=882622721914251&id=630429603800232
  17. Couplers Malaga also carry Gates Barricade submersible
  18. If you need any help mate,you know where I live.
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