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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Adolfhimster? Adminihitler? Mienhamster?
  2. No there isn't. Polish/clear coat = not same/same
  3. No it's still primer, the metallic specs are just metal dust from the fab shop next to the paint shop. You can clear coat a turd and it's still a turd, not a diamond.
  4. 5K is quite reasonable for a full respray.
  5. nah that's an SOR thing http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-26/perth-body-in-boot-trial-told-travis-mills-burnt-alive-in-car/7661752 Besides, you've never seen my F6 in the sunlight.
  6. I give no fucks for my primer daily. The other day the eldest of my two sons was standing on the bootlid watching me put the roof racks on Mum's car. If he did that to the F6 The youngest would then be the eldest and I'd be down to 1 son.
  7. Death by snu snu? Something something weekend at Bernie's something
  8. I just make shit up as I go and for some reason people seem to believe me.
  9. Bf harness can be modded to suit then VCT wiring will need to be combined and the second knock sensor wiring will need to be deleted or bundled out of the way.
  10. Harness is similar but slightly different due to Dual VCT. Just swap the BA Harness (assuming it's in good nick) onto the BF motor then swing it. Basically straight swap.
  11. I'm happy to be the back marker on this one since I'll have my dad and young son with me. Will gate on request though.
  12. LOL that's right up there with Thorpy coming out in the "DUUUUH, like we didn't already know stakes"
  13. Is that the best western? Well I've booked it now so I guess that mean I'm going. Also keen for route details ASAP. Got a mate in Australind with a BA GTP who's keen to hop on once we are down that way.
  14. What voltage do you have at the starter when you crank the car? (or attempt to crank)
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