I use one of these-
Came with my Kit.
VPW should have them. Derale also do an adaptor fitting that has barbs either end so you just chop the cooler outlet hose install the fitting and your done.
The say you can run the fan current through it but I'm not comfortable with that so it switches the earth on the control side of the relay I use to activate the fan.
Check the skirt length on those CP's. Mine rattled like a mofo even with tight bore clearance.I wouldn't be comfortable running them up as high as your suggesting unless they have improved the skirts
The set I had looked like they should have been in a CRF450
I'm not afraid to say I don't get the fascination with dropping skids left right and centre or running tires that a moderately powered car will turn @ 100kph. I'd rather have power AND traction.
Those classes seem to be tailored to a particular car.....?
I'm planning to take out fastest backyard tuned, gtx3567r, E85, ZF, Eboosted, HP tuners sticker equipped deja vu 2006 typhoon with build #555.
You all have to buy me beer If I do.
Just make sure the battery is fully charged. Hold the accel pedal flat to the floor when cranking so the car doesn't start and crank it till the engine oil pressure light goes out.
Then start the car and run it up to temp before dropping the oil.