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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. EFR's are the pinnacle IMHO but the cost v benefit ratio compared to a GTX or PTE really put them in the luxury rather than necessity class for me.
  2. Ralph Wiggum


    Twas not implied Twas the way you interpretted my comment How many of us are not running modded with the intention of running as close to knock threshold as possible? Running both fuels tuned to maximise knock resistance (as most of us are) there's no argument 98 will make more power hence my comment.
  3. Ralph Wiggum


    and hence the ability to produce more bang from the same volume of fuel. I must have missed the bit where I said "95 ron has a lower calorific value than 98 ron"
  4. So I've done the maths on your proposal to retain the honda, purchase house, pay down debt and then purchase toy and it doesn't stack up. The revised equation looks more like, retain honda, get married,purchase house, reproduce, purchase additional honda (odyssey in this case), continue shit posting on here that one day you will sell the honda(s) and buy something fun.
  5. Ralph Wiggum


    Fuel type it set in the personality data in the BEM. It also lists if the octane setting is hi/lo. These cars are set to HI "95" vs 91 for "LO" More bang per ml of fuel from 98 vs 95 is a no brainer.
  6. FG Manual is web based and protected from redistribution. You can access it if you have a Motorcraft Service Account.
  7. Wait.. What... Injectors haven't been changed...?
  8. Fuel lines plumbed arse about @ the hardline connectios on the chassis?
  9. FG is engine out and sump off (or x member out and sump off) to get the pick up bolts unfortunately
  10. Please don't Contrary to popular belief- any Simmons + any car does not = looks good. If you are attached to them stick them up on the wall. If not sell them and get something that would actually suit the car.
  11. Gotta have that big big big number. Don't worry about the area under the curve.
  12. Im highly skilled at spending other peoples money!
  13. where are you located? Im running the gtx3576r/E85/ZF?Sticky tire combo and it's awesome. Still blows me away everytime I drive it.
  14. My boss told me in my last performance review "when you hit a roadblock I want to you make sure you do all you can do before moving on to the next task" hit a road block with getting a PO approved and boss is dragging his heels approving it. So I did all I can do and went over his head to his boss, no luck. So did even more all I could do and went to my bosses bosses boss(my previous direct manager) to get the PO approved so the work can continue. Now have my boss ringing me pissed off that I went over his head. "I did all I could do" was apparently not the right answer. Also this popped up in the racewars whatsapp shit talk chat and was too good to leave there...... the topic of convo was sum up your day in one pic- and me
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