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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Treat that as a deposit. It'll cost you that several time over to keep it alive at that power.
  2. Im more than capable of a reasonable argument. I'm choosing to keep my views to myself as in my humble opinion this is not the place for this discussion. Good Chat tho.
  3. Im choking on the ironing of this statement
  4. Politics and Religion on a Car Forum............... plz stahp. Take it too Facebook.
  5. I did. Numerous times. They "could not locate it" Eventually it was located sitting in the corner of the depot on a pallet bound for the northwest.
  6. Hasn 't your car been sitting for the last 5 yrs tho? smb4lyf
  7. LOL my record is Heathrow to Perth in a little over 30hrs them 6wks to deliver from the Depot to our office (which is less then 1km from Depot)
  8. Drove it to Bunnings. Cooked a sausage sizzle for 3hrs, then drove it home. Now it smells like onions.
  9. Green brakes give Steve an Ake Bono
  10. Unicorns are for Homos and Commies. Real men like Griffins.
  11. Tony, I wouldn't trust stock knock control as far as I can throw it. Throw any decent knock detection gear on a stocker and belt it. You'll be surprised. Point to note with these motors. They will keep making torque well past the knock threshold.
  12. If you can avoid getting emotionally involved in such a purchase I find it's great fun playing with Sales people like that.
  13. Unfortunately no. Im still looking and will find it one day.
  14. Where are you located mate? It's quite possible if the bushes have been installed at the incorrect depth the front supports for the diff will contact the cradle under load and transmit noise and vibration.
  15. What do you reckon it's...............Wurth?
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