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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Take a shit in his glove box. Then call the epa and tell them he's illegally disposing of hydrocarbons.
  2. Decided after 18mths of fairly consistent E85 use I should check out the fuel filter. Looks pretty good/clean.... Until you see it buzzing away in the cleaner...
  3. I know a guy who bought a used car once... 5yrs later BAM! Herpes!
  4. ^reworded because Peppy's posts are most certainly not just about HP and Dyno sheets. Sorry Pep. I worded that poorly and it didn't convey my point. I'm also not about bashing other tuners, nor am I about smoke and mirrors and magic juju beans when it comes to tuning. I'll happily share my tunes and even had the files over to the owner when the job it done. Converting TD30 grenades to Barra motors Pep. The shop owner does heavy mech work (building diffs etc) on the barra powered Patrol I tune. He wants to build competitively priced na and turbo conversions for people that have had a TD30 go pop. My part will be tuning and helping to resolve some of the interface issues between the motor and body electronics. I'm not sure how much of that I'd be willing to share as I have a heap of time and $'s invested in those solutions that I'm not willing to give away at this stage. /threadjack I love the work your doing and the approach your taking mate. Keep it up!
  5. I really should start a similar thread. Mine would be less about making HP #'s and more about fixing other shops fuckups and making obscure combo's work. IE I've just been asked to come on board as the tuner for a Patrol engine conversions program a shop here is putting together. But I lack the Discipline/Time to maintain the thread.
  6. I've replaced more sets than I can recall. Im aware how fiddly they can be. Hence my comment that engine out feels a little extreme. ^That was not ment to come across with any sort of tone.
  7. https://www.aeroflowperformance.com/transmission-driveline/transmission-port-fittings/af72-5050-ford-zf-6hp26-trans-cooler I used a set of these the other week. Quality is not bad.
  8. I've got huge plans for my car before RW. I'm getting the drive shaft retube and um........ I'm going to put fuel in it....huge plans.
  9. Why does he need 4 pot brembo lines.....................................? My F6 came from way up on the Sunshine coast all the way to WA. Was just over $2500. It ran though.
  10. The turbinee wheels also bigger, so although the housing is physically larger it's quite possible (again depending on the wheel trim) it's tighter than a stock housing.
  11. basically, if you have any paid service and aren't review the cost regularly, you're a moron.
  12. 3k each way. Would have been cheaper to buy one in SA, get it modded and drive it back. Im still waiting for my t bolt hose clamps for a Rapid kit I bought years ago.
  13. Have Foxtel. Don't watch lives port, also not a moron. As you get older John you'll release that there are other points of consideration outside you limited field of view so it pays not to make sweeping statements.
  14. whats in the blue bottle?
  15. Im interested to see how it goes. Im planning to lean on my gtx3576r. I have a theory about drive pressure on the turbine side through a t3 at pressures about 20lbs. I've got a nice big valve hanging off the turbine housing to help reduce that pressure. Also have a mate ( @turboknapp ) that's just fired one up on a t4 spilt pulse manifold. That is going to be interesting.
  16. Why did you pull timing with the EFR?
  17. Also very interesting comparing the comp maps between the two- \
  18. .83 is a tighter rear housing than the Gtx3567r (1.06) so would account for the Spool. All the big hp number published from the 9174 are all t4 housing so hard to say if the t3 .83 would hurt top end power or not, especially without knowing the wheel trim.
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