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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Petrol Turbo only available rwd. Diesel and non Turbo Petrol only had rwd/awd option.
  2. On the strip? No was closed. Tech day was inspections for upcoming season.
  3. Spotted @Boganspeedon the way back from tech at the plex. Was there with a couple of the usual suspects drinking coffee and looking at cars. The Army Tank got to hang out with its great grandad and its annoying American cousin.
  4. My intank works a treat. No multiple pump bs either.
  5. Give It a decent whack on the face of the plug first. It's also good practice when trying to remove steel parts that are threaded into ally to tighten them slightly first then back them off.
  6. Leaf spring life Fit a rear Sway bar will make a big difference
  7. I broke an na half shaft stalling a car against the convertor Was stationary in my driveway at the time Made from high grade Swiss cheese
  8. They are pretty versatile with the input, they will take a 0 to 5V input or a Pwm signal (20 to 90% DC) or just plain old pulled to earth signal.
  9. Mines a 41401-3 the smallest 1200hp unit, but on 18v it still pushes 420ltr hr at 84psi fuel pressure. Im using a boost a spark to pump the volts up, off boost the speed control relay disconnects the control signal from the Reg and switches the control terminal for the pump to earth for minimum pump speed, once it comes onto boost the boost a spark pulps up to 18v and the pump gets full speed control. This is all geared around reducing return flow. With a big mechanical reg you could just use a Hobbs switch to control pump speed.
  10. Test Drive Small snippet Pump and controller are working perfectly and zero surge/stable afrs on less than 1/4 with no surge tank.
  11. I heard @discostigis laid up for a while with a tender hose
  12. Yeah have seen what it'll do especially if you are getting pressure spikes through it. Photos make it look closer than it is, there's a good 1/2" clearance be the hose and any rub points and it double sheathed as it exits the tank and runs over the gaurd tray
  13. So this is taking longer than I had hoped but after running the system for over an hour friday night I was happy to start finishing the instal. Hoses are sleeved to prevent rubbing/knocking under the car. The fuel residue is just from me pulling the module out and it dribbling fuel. The filter isn't centred in the clamps as im waiting on a check valve inlet cap which will increase the length of the filter slightly and I obviously need to remount the stock clamps for the remaining factory lines.
  14. Yeah we are going to need some pic's of the awd xr6
  15. Nah my balancer was technically still bolted to the crank, R R Ron buys balancer bolts in packs of 6
  16. Uncontrolled release of the harmonic balancer
  17. Would you believe current draw at 18.5v is less than 20amps? V=I over R FTW
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