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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Buy a cheap obd2 adaptor and download forscan. Check to see which door switch isn't working and replace it. Will cost less than swapping parts to find the issue.
  2. Clearly our docs and my rheumatologist have differing views. Looks leave it at that.
  3. I've had 3 this year? Admittley they are less effective each time but it's prolonging structural repairs for me.
  4. WOT box with no lift shift enabled will make your dreams come true. Launch on two step and don't lift your foot off the throttle till you've completed the run. Wot box will cut ignition on the shift momentarily on the shift to control revs and allow gear change without lifting.
  5. Turns out it's not all bad. Smokey and the bandit marathon on 7flix.
  6. Cheers I don't have much choice but to relax at the moment. I don't deal well with antibiotics and true to form the shit they have given me is knocking me around a bit
  7. I've being feeling a bit off color the last few days and even resorted to knocking off early and coming home to bed on Tuesday (which is very unusual for me). I told myself it was a virus of some sort and it'd pass. At work yesterday got a up to get a drink from the kitchen and got back to my desk completely stuff (a journey of about 20mtrs) I told my Wife about that last night and she told enough is enough go to the docs tomorrow. So I roll up at the GP's this morning, see the doc. He takes on look at me has a listen to my lungs and says off to the ER for you Son! Off I go to the ER, get triage'd straight into a bed get all usual poking and prodding and X-rays and come to find I've got Pneumonia in my left lung. The Doc's dosed my up on IV antibiotics and monitored me for a few hours and then let me go and I'm now laid up in bed for a few days taking horse sized antibiotics till I go back for another X-ray on Friday I had some grand plans to work on the F6 tomorrow but clearly that's not going to happen! TL:DR? Though it had a bug Turns out it was Lung Aids No fixey fixey Broom Brooms for me this weekend and I'm bored out of my fucking mind already!
  8. Im still trying to wrap my head around less than atmo @ 2000rpm previously
  9. Shannon's most certainly will insure modded cars.
  10. Shame as they where a big supporter or the modded car scene. Shannon's have been great for me.
  11. Someone puts some loose change in the hub cap
  12. It should do. If it doesn't find a bar the right width for the bottom link bars and mount it on there with 4 bushes and some plates. Baxrute, once it's all installed and set up square get the discount bush plates tacked to the diff housing so they don't move around.
  13. I used HF DS years ago, found them to be dusty/noisy and overly aggressive on the discs for no rear benefit in terms of stopping power. I highly rate the NS400's and will be running them once my current hc800's have expired. They (the ns400's)are a great all round street pad. But you can over tax them if you are using the car in motorsport applications, but the same can be said for most street pads to be fair.
  14. Oh Lawd.....how many amp's is the average bit of cat 5 good for?
  15. Air is getting into the system during operation. 4 days appears to be long enough for it to bleed out. Check the obvious connections and alignment of the MC. If it's on the piss it may draw air in during movement. If nothing obvious presents itself topside it's likely a CSC issue. Doubly so if there is black gunk building up in the fluid. Also if you feeling the car move when the syncro's are trying to brake the input shaft motion you're wearing them very quickly. Also, if the clutch point has changed without any mechanical reason (ie after you had the correct PP installed and the crush depth set) but after the MC was changed it's possible the adjustment is incorrect and you're not getting full travel out of the MC.
  16. Yeah, best not lubricant your brakes.
  17. A Christmas tree made from emu export cans?
  18. usually run with "totally not drugs" or "totally not a dildo" just for lulz
  19. Those piping kits suffer really badly from heat soak.
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