I've being feeling a bit off color the last few days and even resorted to knocking off early and coming home to bed on Tuesday (which is very unusual for me). I told myself it was a virus of some sort and it'd pass.
At work yesterday got a up to get a drink from the kitchen and got back to my desk completely stuff (a journey of about 20mtrs)
I told my Wife about that last night and she told enough is enough go to the docs tomorrow. So I roll up at the GP's this morning, see the doc. He takes on look at me has a listen to my lungs and says off to the ER for you Son!
Off I go to the ER, get triage'd straight into a bed get all usual poking and prodding and X-rays and come to find I've got Pneumonia in my left lung. The Doc's dosed my up on IV antibiotics and monitored me for a few hours and then let me go and I'm now laid up in bed for a few days taking horse sized antibiotics till I go back for another X-ray on Friday
I had some grand plans to work on the F6 tomorrow but clearly that's not going to happen!
Though it had a bug
Turns out it was Lung Aids
No fixey fixey Broom Brooms for me this weekend and I'm bored out of my fucking mind already!