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Ralph Wiggum

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Everything posted by Ralph Wiggum

  1. Overlay the firing order on the compression figures.... 16's too young 35's too old 24's just right
  2. Add a scoop to the header tank,run it up to temp, drop it,rinse,repeat until the rinse is free of oil residue and soap. It will take several rinses
  3. no need to run the heater. Heater circuit always has flow. Run the ac,stay cooler while you are flushing and put more heat into the rad to aid in breaking down the oil.
  4. Not to mention the infinite power levels available from our stock turbos
  5. Shatmo killed both its parents just to have an interesting back storey
  6. Shatmo has the whistle you seek
  7. You need the shatmo mod bro
  8. Wont somebody think of the cam lobes
  9. Yeah nah, your setup is tits.
  10. Thanks for sharing, reverse wrap is pretty old school but works, I ran them on my ba turbo ute back in the day and they and some koni reds sorted it.
  11. Plenty of dick punching already in this thread, no need for me to get involved, im not here trying to be some sort of internet salebrity
  12. Hard to tell who's who some days
  13. Disregard last part, have since been educated that they are vin locked to one car
  14. Not really like, more likely better than xcal for the average Joe as it can be permanently installed in the car and used as a functional gauge and (to the best of my knowledge) the ngauge isn't vin locked so could be used to support multiple vehicles, each car would need it's own licensed tune file obviously.
  15. Yaw sensor is located on the steering column
  16. Your injectors and pump are miles to small for e85
  17. ^ http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/skinny-fat-why-its-more-dangerous-than-you-think/news-story/33b1ebd8a817ec0e3e549890773afda8
  18. Looks like someone has already eaten it.
  19. You want hectic whistle? dodis You've heard of the legendary "Batmo" mod that was done to comp wheels back in the day? We are bringing it back with our new "Shatmo" mod.
  20. Wastegate Actuator is designed to only receive a pressure signal, vacuum at cruise will kill it over time.
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