Is the munted thread in the sump? If so bulk room to helicoil it. Plug the drain hole with rag first and don't drill all the way through. The holes are blind from the factory.
I hadn't seen that question, if the thread is munted and jams before compressing the gasket to the point it'll seal then the only fixed is to fix the thread.
Otherwise a sly washer on the bolt may give enough compression before it jams.
Either way paper gaskets in an area that sees as much heat as a turbo drain is testicles and a high temp oring arrangement will always be better
squeak will be related to pad contact in the caliper. A little CRC Stop Squeak (or plan old RTV) in the piston to pad contact point and on the pad wear pads the noise will stop.
Hi, I'm Ralph Wiggum, president and CEO of Ralph Wiggums logitec numeric keypad emporium and warehouse Thanks to a shipping error, I am now currently overstocked on logitec numeric keypads and I am passing the savings onto you!!!!!
exactamundo, plus less pad material = more heat transfer to the piston/boot/seals and resulting in the above.
There a reason why a "worn out" pad still has 3 to 5mm or material left.
I can't fault it thus far. Runs Livelink with Ease which is an achievement for any laptop.
Keep in mind for the about there about 6 or 7 different variants of the Inspiron 3000 11" unit and the units with the lower spec processors/ram etc are really designed a netbooks/student laptops not for any sort of strenuous use.
They where onsale till the 18th. I paid just under $600. White wasn't my first choice of colour but I can live with it for the price
Also, WMMFGT? Got a new tuning laptop, Smaller size, convertible and touch screen.....sooooooooooooooooooo goot where have you been all my life little laptop??
Does look a little silly with my gorilla paws though