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  1. mercturbo

    Gut Feel

    With job security becoming a thing of the past, incomes dropping or at least stabilizing, (Coalition IR laws), interest rates up a bit or stable at present, share market booming at record highs, property values stabilizing on average, commercial investment property returns appear low, what is everyones "GUT FEEL" for the future ie: where would one be investing into at present? as it appears quite tough to call at the moment, dont worry disclaimer: no legal action for any opinions here refer to "gut feel" Cheers Rob
  2. Make no mistake little Johnnies reforms are designed to slash wages and conditions and destroy unions and maximise profits for buisnesses and corporations, there may be a few more low paid 70 hr/week jobs but we'll all be working longer, harder, have more stress, no protection from ruthless bosses if less than 100 employees, and have a much lower/worse living standard. This is Jonnies present for "all" Autralians so that we can be "more competetive" Will the cost of living now decrease? to compensate for lower real wages? Will your electricity and gas bill and groceries be cheaper cause labour is now cheaper? No FCKEN WAY. Penalty rates are gone, public hoilidays are going, pay rises will be a thing of the past. Forget about redundancy packages there will be no such thing. A strong union could negotiate many things but are also the cause of some problems. I wish everyone luck in Johnnies new world. We all have a chance at the next election to decide if this is the Australia we want for our kids, a carbon copy of America
  3. I doubt very much any new or 5km on the clock GT will be anywhere near 48k more like 56-58k runout BA 1 or 2. Phoon seems to be able to be sold 10k cheaper for some reason maybe clutch issues have devalued it early and/or much cheaper to build, I would have to say at anywhere around 50k a BF phoon 6speed auto would be a good pick cause the GT it seems will be 10k dearer regardless and if they can run the ba phoon out for that then the bf will be run out for similar in a year or so, that would be my pick and would drag me back into the hot falcs.
  4. So who is for and who is against these reforms and why? Be extremely interested to hear everyones opinions as there is a quite diverse bunch of good people here, people from both extreme ends of the economic scale. So is cutting real wages Johnny style good for us and Australia?
  5. Bulges, badges, stripes all over the place and that rumble and road presence, quad exhausts for similar money I'll take the 6 speed auto GT every time, and it will be rapid in colour. I can list prolly 20 cars that are quicker round a race track and if that's your priority then good luck to you. The 2 BA phoons that I've run up to 100 and 160kph, indicated a different performance story.
  6. Wont buy into this other than saying B U L L S H I T!!!!!!!!!!! no turbo 6 has ever or will ever sound anywhere near as good as a V8 PERIOD! NO IFS BUTS OR ANYTHINGS. Just keep dreaming that dream
  7. I'd come over for the cruise Al but I'd need 20 grand for fuel. Hows the GT? Rob
  8. Well that's good then they should sell a few. I just hope the drive train/quality/warranty is up to the marketing suggestion that it can be blasted around a race track every second weekend somehow I think it won't, as is the case with most Aussie stuff.
  9. Yeh George good to see you're ok best wishes for a speedy recovery and into a new BA Cheers Rob
  10. If its a harsh day to day driver, and loses creature comforts such as air cond, for an extra 10k I think the market will be small. Will the warranty cover "track work" or when they start turning up at the dealers for warranty with broken gearboxes will they yell"abuse" "you are not covered for that" my HSV friends have many horror stories with their cars never seeing a track, I can only imagine the issues if a 70k Aussie banger (HSV or FPV)is blasted around a track every weekend as the suggestion is that this is what it can do. I believe it will have the ugliest resale of any HSV yet. The idea is good, hopefully the cash will go into the drivetrain cause that's where I believe it will be needed.
  11. Next to BAGT, Monara PRE that shocking bonnet nostril crap, was/is second best looking Aussie built car, underneath is typical average Aussie quality but a good looker she definately was, hats off to the pre nostril garbage designers
  12. Congrats mate know how you feel without the "p" though, the sound, the look, the instant grunt the relative uncommoness. Auto or manual? stripes or no stripes? I just love em to death as well, chuck on a few pics
  13. I upgraded from the Pioneer vsx908 which I had back for repair a few times but sounded ok to a Denon 3805 7.1 auto cal job this amp is pretty awesome in stereo and 7.1. So much better than most pioneer stuff I've tried. I also liked the Marantz stuff very warm sounding, this is $2+k level but worth auditioning if you can stretch the budget in my opinion. Not a fan of Yamaha at all.
  14. good news Al, hopefully it will all go without drama, mine still uses no oil at all, have they figured out why some use oil? Cheers Rob
  15. Chatting to local Alpine bloke couple weeks ago, think he said around $799 for that unit then you need the vehicle specific adapter for maybe $250 for BA still some weeks away maybe month or 2. Said he's seen prototype on BA screen looks sensational just pug your crap in and away you go, dvd player, game consoles other crap on your front screen. The vehicles information gets somehow superimposed over what you're watching when you change a setting. You/they need to connect the handbrake wire for motion disabling of the unit (law). Initial price is stiff considering you still need to buy dvd players and other source devices/voltage inverters and theres still no screen for back seat passengers, they will most likely do deals if you package a bunch of gear, but the good thing is knowing Alpine it should be good quality and thoroughly tested. that's what he told me anyway.
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