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  1. Not entirely convinced, fair effort though.
  2. Ummmm yeeeee, first oil change coming out of a full mineral based oil service history. Do you actually think they put anything better than the run of the mill oil in your T at the dealership unless you bring the bottle for them?? The engine has been run on mineral based oils which use different detergents in the oils, the coating that has been left by the mineral oil can be stripped by the synthetic oil thereby causing damage. I'm not saying that it will happen but that it can, it all comes down to how care and maintain your vehicles, if you don't care then why worry about what oil you use, no point worrying about oil if you don't follow a proper preventative procedure. You all talk about thousands of dollars worth of modifications that you have done to your car, some even putting themselves in debt, and then tightarss it for an extra $50 when it comes to one of the most vital services on any engine.
  3. There is actually a bloke that lived and worked here in Oz for a while that is now importing the F6 into Pomgolia, so they do have something there, he has his personal one their already.
  4. I wouldn't be going straight for the full syn oils in at least your first change, go for a semi syn first change then decide from their. Depending on the intervals you choose to change your oil, obviously the more frequent the better, maybe do your next change at 5000km this way you can actually see what kind of state it is in after a short period. If the oil comes out relatively clean then go ahead with the full syn if you like but always check the oil visually at each change to see how much more wear it is getting each time, this will be a good indicator that a flush might be in order as well as possibly a thicker grade of oil as it gets on in the km's. Most important though, add some engine flush prior to your first oil change and drive it for maybe 100km, more if you can, drop the oil but use a regular oil for about another 100km this will ensure you clean the engine of any detergents used in the flush solution. For this you can use off the shelf Safeway if you like because it's not staying in the engine very long but only being used to flush any left over detergents. It's a good idea to do this because you don't want them in your new fresh top shelf oil as it can actually make the oil break down well before it should, this is why some people who only ever use top shelf oils still have bearing problems, flushing should be a 2 stage process. As for brands the best advice I or anyone else here can give I suppose is get the brand that you can afford and you know works for others. Good Luck Stef
  5. Isn't there like a 13 HOON number or something?? Mate fast or slow they are causing a public nuisance as well as being a danger to the public and themselves.
  6. Quite some time, in particular if you have had it in for other related warranty issues. Also anything that is going to cost them a load will get an inspection. Although in saying that they will also deny warranty if on the report a mod is stated, without doing an inspection, the mentality is that you modified the car therefore that is the cause and they just wash there hands and you have to fight them tooth and nail.
  7. 99% at this point, should know for sure by the weekend if thats ok.
  8. I like the boy. Damm every time I see a bionic makes me remember when I fell in love, although the one that actually got me over from the XR8 was the menace, on the Phoon believe it or not it looks pretty hot. I love the way the Brembo reds contrast against the blue of the Bionic.
  9. Who's up for a cruise up on Sunday morning with a FHQ meetup??
  10. As I see it the adjustments will be good for R&D that the end user can perform themselves, if they record any changes and results they can then go back and get the changes made permanent. Real results are in the real world not on the dyno, the dyno is great to tune the car but you won't know how it reacts to a persons driving style and abilities until you get it on the road/track.
  11. Lol exactly the point, the market will be flooded with good second hand units that will be much cheaper than the new ones, this will leave box loads on the CAPA shelves and mean that they have to then find the money to pay for shelf stock that will most likely never sell once you and others flood the market with second hand units. Have a guess who will fund the new shelves they have to buy. I'm not looking to just save 2 years down the track but in effect save you and others that want it now, of course I want it now, but I have had issues with breaking diff bolts, 4 in 6 months and its stock. I don't break so many now because I only drive the car once or twice a month, but yes want to modify the car anyway. Anyway, does anyone have any info??
  12. With no intention of offending but I would expect yourself and others like you that have payed this price to come across in this way as it does not seem fair to you that anyone should get it cheaper seeing as you payed so much. But then maybe big screen TVs and DVD players should still be thousands of dollars with this kind of reasoning. The point is that when a product is near its end the price needs to reflect this if you are to offload stock, otherwise people will wait for the next one and leave you, the distributor that is, with boxes and boxes of stock that you then need to price into your new product. So really no one wins do they? As for wanting to know what they do, of course I and others are waiting for the info, it's simply that some have put there views across and asked about potential pricing, obviously this will get people talking. Especially when one poster tells of how he had a phone hung up on him by the distributor when querying the new product and it's availability, doesn't say much for customer oriented service in my book and I dare say others would agree, whether they post or not.
  13. I'm not looking to get into a pissing contest, but I would say that it would be safe to assume that the wholesale price would be at a level curently that could more than accomodate a price reduction in the retail price. If it was a year and a half ago when most had absolutely no idea of the US price you could say this, but to assume now that people are still stupid enough to believe that if I bought 1 in the US for around AU$600 then I would not most likely get 10,000 for a small fraction of that price is just ignorant on the part of the distributor. It plays on the whole monopolizing of the market that is happeneing at current, I'm all for making some coin but there needs to be a realistic aproach when pricing items that are near to there 'end of shelf life'. Also I am glad to hear that you don't use 'cheap' towies, but I bet you still complain about pricing LOL
  14. The fuel pump issue you talk about Simon could happen as soon as the car leaves the shop, if it's going to happen it will. I understand your protecting your investment and that of your friends, as for 'post it tunes' I think it's fair to say that most people are well aware that there are risks involved in this kind of product. As someone said there are 'backyard tuners' out their doing a better job than some of the so called 'pros', so whether you go in house or via e-mail the risks are their regardless. I think what most people here are saying is that the sooner that the distributors realise and start listening to what the majority want the better of we will all be, that is distibutors, tuners and consumers. I dare say that CAPA by now have made a return on there initial investment with the number of boxes out their so might want to start looking at increasing sales. The easiest way they can do that is to drop the price of the box, especially as it will soon be superceded otherwise they will be stuck with a bigger loss than they might by simply taking off another couple of hundred dollars. As I say I understand that someone has made an investment, but lets leave the banks and mining to be greedy, after all we are all here to help aren't we. I run my own business and often have to work at a lower rate just to secure regular work and I have also invested a substantial amount of money in order to make it happen. I will even be willing to bet that even you would rather use the $30 towie that drives the $5000 imported truck with no transit/goods insurance rather than someone like me that has spent alot of money on licences and insurances, all just to save a few dollars and increase your bottom line. I'm sorry but I'm sick and tired of workshops whining about costs and then having a go at the punters when they say the same. I'm sitting in front of the computer now simply because I refuse to do the 'cheap' tows and would rather not even start the truck just to hear workshop owners whinge about pricing, just like yourself and other workshop owner/operators I did it to make a living as well as trying to help enthusiasts. Even though I'm specifically set up for lowered cars and racers, I often find myself doing these at my regular rate, why, because until they see how much effort goes into picking up a lowered car they don't appreciate the work involved. And guess what they still complain about the price even though they tell me what a great job I did and that they are rapped there is no damage to there car going on. I could go on but I think I've said more than enough for now, maybe more than I should, but that's life. edit - side note- the reason for my rant is because I have walked away from 2 very good clients in the last couple of weeks for just this reason, they are both doing well and yet still complain that I don't look after them as much as I should, even though they charge the customer and don't actually pay themselves. To top it off they add there own little fee on top, so this makes it hard for them to make some money off my back.
  15. From the info on the site the end user adjustability in the way of fuel and spark is minimal, so yes unless your engine is tuned to within an inch of its life I don't see any issues with having some control. As for the VCM it has been a month away for the last 15-16 months now, but I am waiting for this before I decide simply because of the real-time tuning capability.
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