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    Blacktown NSW

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  1. The AU ute motorcycle tiedown kit is very rare and I wanted to know who elese has one and do you have any pix ???
  2. The Overline will only fit the BA/F/Territory. Any mod you do will require a very shallow chassis size unit, I have had inside info that the next gen Kenwood mechless units will be !!! ... so this is promising and I will give it a go in my own car ... but not until the Kenwoid becomes available.
  3. Its a very unreliable brand and I have had the same issue with one, the sub ahs failed and shows a short. Take it back and get a pioneer from me @carbon car systems Sent from my SM-N9007 using Tapatalk
  4. DON'T forget the CARBON DOOR SKINS Sent from my SM-N9007 using Tapatalk
  5. R.I.P fella and condolences to his family
  6. Oh and the amp is in the passenger rear quarter but only runs the subwoofer
  7. Possible coins in the cd slot ... I see a lot of this. Kids seem to have a universal understanding and it freaks me out that so many do it !
  8. Ford need to assign it I know that much ... MK1 or 2
  9. The oem icc is crossed over and eq'd to allow relatively low distortion to the crappy speakers, the sub amp acts alone to deliver low pass to the sub. Use an Audison BitTen (or similer) to correct the signal ... anything else is a waste of time if you love quality sound.
  10. Did u cut the OEM speaker wires and only connect to the speakers ? ... ie: remove the ICC connection to the speakers. Sent from my SM-N9007 using Tapatalk
  11. CA glue (super glue) dries hard, I would use Sikaflex, it is stronger and flexes.
  12. Hi everyone, I have a 2012 FG XR6 Turbo with 25,000 k's that is pretty much stock (for now) except for a PYTHON Remote start 2-Way alarm system. Does anyone know if the GT has stronger boot struts (Because of the larger wing) as I have added the OEM felt under cover and FOCAL BAMXL sound deadening to the boot lid inner and as a consequence the boot is heaver and slams down hard if you are not ready for it, just a little thing but annoying. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers, Dave Smith.
  13. Try the Parrot asteroid Tablet, you can run Apps that allow you to monitor vehicle dynamics via a Bluetooth dongle attached to the OBD2 port ... https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=parrot%20asteroid%20tablet%20carbon%20car%20systems&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCkQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DM6_J9jJ3kvg&ei=kqc5UoLdD-K3iQeI34CICA&usg=AFQjCNGhY3w20t8Hu0TogUUM58VW_oKM3A&bvm=bv.52288139,d.aGc
  14. Hey guys .... Forget the "spandex" unless you look good in it ... Use FLEECE ... Or baby blanket, you can buy it from spotlight type stores, it is thicker and holds its shape better, absorbs the resin way better, in fact I don't use matting on the front half of the enclosure at all so that means little or no sanding !!!. I do reinforce the inside of the fleece with more resin mixed with "stuff" (milkshake) as someone else mentioned ... Cheers.
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