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Everything posted by Headsex

  1. Yeah.. and add "Jess + Tina" to the list (although Jess will get my pit pass)..
  2. I'm leaving from work in port melb.. possibly going past a mates to meet up with him also (spine), then heading there.. when we get to the gates, we tell them at the gate we're part of the group..
  3. no helmet, no race make sure you have long sleeve top + pants. you need that too and have a 600mm coke bottle for the radiator overflow tanks' overflow you wedge next to the brake booster.. danny.
  4. Ok, so that doesnt garentee her friend will get a pass.. Can someone verify that they are coming alone and can pass their pass onto her? Danny.
  5. had mine in yesterday.. BA mk2 5000k's old, Fuel guage sender was "open circuit" Front passinger side headlight foggs up at night (replaced. Other than that, they washed my car and vacced in side. problems I need to get fixed I forgot about... sticker in engine bay pealing. and very small viabration (possibly tyres) Danny.
  6. Hey guys, Whats the deal with Pit passes? Previously I've only got 1 for 1 passenger.. My Girlfriend wants to bring a friend.. However, I dont think I can get 2 pit passes can I? What to do? Danny.
  7. Simon, Did you join laminge's Group buy?? lol
  8. Alright !! Just had it at president ford.. they fixed it. the sender unit was Dud.. weird.. Anyways, they also changed one of my headlights as it fogged up at night AND washed my car How nice !! well done president ford (And Joe the Service manager) Danny.
  9. So whats the go.. Whos meeting who where and what time ?? Danny.
  10. Does someone wanna lend a towtruck ride fo Kev's xr8... If he gets towed there and back.. He will be a definate racer :> cmon tow truck drivers.. Kev's got more records to break
  11. Ahhh, Couldnt resist I see !!! Danny.
  12. Bump ← well, considering the programming cable needs its power pack pluged into 240volts ... I wouldnt imagine so Unless he has a special lister 12volt plug for it Danny.
  13. Thanks Mate So whats the plan. whos meeting where ??? Danny.
  14. Hey goldbullet, How come I'm not in the list ?? I was before, but now I'm not? Danny.
  15. well its booked in on wednesday, they said their gonna take the tank out ... so yer.. will see what the deal is.. danny.
  16. I Hope so.. Although what it means is when it said I had 1/8th of a tank left... I prob had close to 1/4 -> 3/8ths.. I've got the list of probs which I'm gonna do in a couple of weeks. so I might see what happens when this tank empties.. although friday is Caulder park ;> Danny.
  17. Dunno mate, that's what traction tyres quoted.. They quoted me $700 drive in/out for sl front ssl rear, camber kit, and wheel alignment Danny.
  18. that's what I'm worried of.. The fuel tank is below the back seat, the back seats need to be removed to replace the sender/pump ... But I assuming the sender is confused, or jamming at 3/4 high.. But at the same time I only put 38 litre's in when it said I had 1/8th of a tank left.. Danny.
  19. Sounds like they are trying to rip you off! I payed $400 drive-in drive-out for supply and fit of Kings SL and SSL springs with a wheel alignment. ← $60 is approx price for wheel alignment if you drive in for that only.. (that's all 4 wheels) But, you should also consider a Camber kit. they are approx $180 for the front end.. highly recommended when lowering. I'm about to get my turbo lowered with kings SL in the front and SSL in the back (to level the ride out) Danny
  20. Well.. What I noticed when it was full every 1/4 notch is about 100km's.. when it was half tank, it was 200km's done, and 200km's to go.. there abouts anyways.. But yeah, this is the second time I've tried to fill it. it did the same last tank. previously I have been tight and only putting in $50 when I'm low I've already got a list of a number of things. not really happy considering this is just about a new car (ex demo 3000ks) noises in the front end especially prodominat when reversing, headlight fogging up at night... the door seal rubbers turning White.. Danny.
  21. Hi guys.. My BA mk2 Turbo is playing funny games with me.. My Fuel was down to 1/8th fuel, like 60km/s to go on the trip computer. So I filled up with fuel.. To my disbelief, it only allowed $50 of fuel.. 38 litres? I thought, fair enough .. Jumped into the car, and the Needle only read 3/4 full... WTF?? So I got out and tried putting more in.. Definatly did not allow more, and petrol was just about spilling out. So that says one of 2 things... 1) air lock in the tank (since its under the rear seat), or 2) the needle or sender calibration is out(trip computer also).. Now, this is the second tank of fuel that done the same thing. I have only attempted to fill it up twice, both times it has done the same thing. the other 3 times, I've only put $50 worth of fuel.. When I purchased the car, It had a full tank of fuel. the needle was 100%. This is only the 5th tank of fuel since I've had the car. Has anyone experianced this weirdness before? Might have to fast track my list of problems to ford.. Danny.
  22. What fuel presure does the xr6turbo run ? and how much "power" can the bosch 968's flow? (seems to be a popular choice) I know their approx 42lb injectors. but that's at the typical fuel presure of 40psi(approx).. What rwkw are they good for?
  23. Well.. if he connected it to the Fuel Regs vac line. I can see how it could cause some damage Fuel reg vac line comes up, lean mixture when boosting.. not good Danny.
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