Actually, No body corrected me.. I just fired up advantage, and Commanded Fuel is TP vs RPM, not Load.. the Spark map is Load vs RPM... shows how often I look at the headings So damn it, Gogo's original comment stands correct, you would run tp500 richer based on the fact that you will have more load in a higher gear.. Although, in saying that, I also disagree. Load is calculated by manifold presure.. ie, boost.. Higher gear would generally load the engine more, and produce more boost.. But, we have a PCM controlled boost system here, not a VL bleed valve. So technically, load would be the same in all gears provided you are controlling the boost properly What datalogger are you using? My logger shows I got peak load 1.7 with approx 12psi.. Rule of thumb is load of 2 is 15psi. Not sure why it would say 100% d