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Everything posted by Headsex

  1. no, you command boost via desired boost / duty cycle table.. Thus causes XX psi, which corralates to "load".. if you have 15psi, you have approx 2.0 load.. the ford pcm (not advantage) has various tables for boost control.. allows open or closed loop boost control. Advantage only gives you access to the Fords PCM tables.. D.
  2. We all want happy safe afr umm.. I believe its more due to the extra exhaust gases produced when the engine is working harder, in turn means turning the turbo harder, more boost. but pcm control boost control will open the wastegate more to stop it boosting more.. However, in a manual VL for instance, you hardly ever see 15psi in first gear because as it comes on boost the engine revs too fast and you have to get ready for the next gear.. So your comment also does come into play. d
  3. Actually, No body corrected me.. I just fired up advantage, and Commanded Fuel is TP vs RPM, not Load.. the Spark map is Load vs RPM... shows how often I look at the headings So damn it, Gogo's original comment stands correct, you would run tp500 richer based on the fact that you will have more load in a higher gear.. Although, in saying that, I also disagree. Load is calculated by manifold presure.. ie, boost.. Higher gear would generally load the engine more, and produce more boost.. But, we have a PCM controlled boost system here, not a VL bleed valve. So technically, load would be the same in all gears provided you are controlling the boost properly What datalogger are you using? My logger shows I got peak load 1.7 with approx 12psi.. Rule of thumb is load of 2 is 15psi. Not sure why it would say 100% d
  4. No it does not. The fuel table is RPM Vs Load.. as the load increases you can command more or less fuel to suit your liking.. In a N/A V8, I have seen where first gear only gets 0.8 load, where as in top gear you get 0.9.. You can give more fuel at more load.. No. that's not the reason.. My opinions of running rich is 2 fold.. Fuel will help cool the pistons etc, and more fuel makes a engine less suspectable to detonation. Also, High RPM + 6th gear = Overspin the dyno.. Most Dyno Dynamics have 200km/h limitor in them. So high rpm + 6th gear will be way beyond that. tuning in 4th (1to1 gear) is fine. Danny.
  5. 5volts, and you want to filter it really well... d
  6. I aDmit I Done something nealy as Dumb as Dhis. flasheD a fpv pursuit, and went to start it from the winDow. DiDnt start. flasheD it back to stanDard, anD, it still Didnt start. anD no, it wasnt left in D.. got into the car.. and well... I remembereD it haD a fpv starter button I shoulD have taken a photo and posteD it to the forums.. woulD have gotten wonDerful help by the looks of this threaD.. 27 pages! D.
  7. Headsex


    Ohhh.. They have a Scart output?? last time I checked, they only had a single Video output There ya go. that will help.. Unsure if its 1080i output though...
  8. Headsex


    think I paid $80 for my .5 metre optical cable. although I have used both optical and coax for the sound, as both methods are digital, you prob wont notice much difference between them, unless you had a real long coax run .. D.
  9. Headsex


    That explains the picture quality then.. using a single Yellow video lead aint gonna cut it... At least get a direct component cable direct from dvd player to plasma.. (the 3 rca's usually coloured red, green, and blue).. That will improve your picture quality dramatically.. as for the foxtel picture quality.. there's not much you can do there.. Danny.
  10. Headsex


    Yes I agree there.. there are some cheap optical cables. but a good one will fix that problem
  11. Headsex


    Cant run Optical for ya sound ? d.
  12. Headsex


    HDMI offers little gain over the component connection.. But its Digital rather than Analog... and Why would you run audio to the plasma screen.. Better question, Why have a plasma screen with speakers?? Audio should goto your surround setup Get a HD Set top box, and make sure your running 1080i single from it to the Plasma screen.. You will then be impressed Foxtel / SD just doesnt cut it.. its like a LCD monitor not running at Native resolution What connection method are you using from your DVD to Plasma? I'm assuming your not using the single Video Yellow RCA?? Danny
  13. ahh sick mate I fitted my cooler today too (the original Ford one leaked anyways.. had a small pinhole in it!!) pics to come later
  14. What you talking about?? I see nothing.. LOL a magicians trick to success is to distract the crowd away from the trick itself.... I guess she's doing a good job of that Danny.
  15. Ahh makes sense then.. Because if you lost it completely and nothing come back then I'd expect all plantery gears to be chomped.. My cars going great.. been playing with the timing in my tune.. I tell ya.. I am hanging to get injectors done (I've done valve springs myself now).. But she's going better than before with just a bit more tinkering.. Danny
  16. Hey rob.. too bad on the plantery's hey.. I would have expected all teeth to be munched off if you lost drive ?? Hows that work? What else needed replacement in your box.. and what kinda $$$ it end up costing?? Danny.
  17. I agree with every single one of them.. (except luxo sports leather as I dont have that).. Regarding the seats.. Why put the lumber support knob on the door side of the seat.. its too hard to adjust WHILST still sitting in position. My AU one was in the console side of the seat. that was easy to adjust. The washer jets ... Well they are pointing downt oo low. and quick glance at them looks like they are not adjustable.. Danny
  18. Ohh my mistake, I was thinking 68 litre sedan If that's the case, my mates xr8 ute used to always get around 68 to 74 litres in it... (Yes, he did drive around with DTE as 0 for ages) Danny
  19. You filled up the filler Neck Gotta remember, ford advertise it as 68litres, but there still is a bit more in the tank. You were running on empty Servo's get their pumps calibrated by a independant company quite often. If you feel that it needs to be checked. Report it. if it checks out to be inaccurate, you will get money / petrol back in your favour.. Danny.
  20. Now that's what I like to see.. Who, and How much.. And that looks like the fpv style perferated leather, but purple ? Danny.
  21. lol I remember that.. and ./b**chX the glorified version
  22. guess your used to using mirc I dont think a gt40 powered xe with a 351 clevo would pull a 7 second pass though ← <cough>whats mirc</cough> ... Dont forget www.secondlife.com /me also works there
  23. /me twiddles thumbs... MMM.. GT40, 351 cleveland, XE... Hrmmmmmmmmmmm
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