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Everything posted by Headsex

  1. Stockish turbo? It is stock except for actuator and wastegate port job. Blueboost had a convertor also, and so did Mick with his 10.80. Technically still a unopened BA engine.. Sure I've smashed the auto's plantery's a few times now.. lol Amazing how my 60foot can improve from going from a stockish convertor (my last one was tight), to a 2800rpm convertor I hope in the cooler weather at calder, to improve my 60foot by half a tenth.. bring on a 10.80!! but yeah, I'm extremely happy with the time. it was always my goal back when I bought the car (before blueboost did his 10.95).. But I've only been able to throw finances at slicks recently, and risked pushing the motor now that I have another daily vehicle
  2. Nice, is that Kev's new intercooler yeh? Also, I noticed you changed the water filler for a metal one.. Hows the rocker cover cover plastic.. Melted? What about the under bonnet lining. burnt? The turbos exhaust housing is HPC coated by the looks of it..
  3. Well, we were wetting it whilst it was parked, and had the bonnet up whilst we were lining up, adding some more water, right up until 2 cars from the burnout.. officials didnt really care.. ET Streets 275 on a 17" ford rim lol, I'm gonna try my luck at calder, its usually colder there, but looking at my 60foot, half a 10th there, is 1 10th ET.. hello 10.80. And I'm pretty sure its got it too. Well, launching it off the line, I didnt have any traction issues @ heathcote anyways, but yes, the colder air is what I'm interested in thanks dave, do full slicks really make a diff over the ET streets if I didnt have wheelspin problems? Eventually I'll go "Race Trim" as igor suggests, heatlight out, seats out, and yeh see what she does.. But my goals always been cut a 10.. Even if I got 10.9999999
  4. does markvan supply free ice-cream to members?
  5. Just goes to show, that the only change I did from this outing and my last calder outing was my stall convertor. really helped get it out of the hole!
  6. Well.. What a day.. Got to heathcote around 1pm today. god damn it was hot, 27 odd degree's or something (enough to make me sweat)... I really think it took a toll on all turbo cars.. initally I was running some 11.50's, 11.40's, and it wasnt until we started wetting the cooler and plenum with a water/meth mix which gave me a instant 3mph, and a ET of 11.04. That was at 4pm. and the ICC shows 27degree's outside.. it was damn hot, but interesting how the weting of it all made a huge difference. then came the bracket racing. I dialed in 11.00 knowing I'd go faster in the cold. Stalling it up, I crept forward, redlighted, and decided to keep in it to see what it would do anyways. Had I had stalled up properly, I would have probably cracked a 10 then. but I only got a 11.04 then. After the bracket racing, they had a few more grudge races, so I lined up again. and yeah. a best of 10.900 @ 126.94mph with a 6foot of 1.6400 I'm hanging for calders cooler nights!!
  7. I really think the heat took a big toll on all turbo cars there.. especially people with coolers that didnt work too well.. During the day I was running 11.5's, it wasnt until we hosed the intercooler and plenum with a water/meth mix until I ran a 11.07 (in 27degree heat according to the ICC). It wasnt until 8pm when I ran a 10.90 after sitting a bag of ice on the plenum.. mind you, it was still 20 degree's at 8pm.. I CANNOT wait for calder to come back.. I recall 12degree nights there.. that's what I'm talking about... d.
  8. please move me to position 22 please, I just ran 10.900 @ 126.94mph with a 1.6407 60foot on pump fuel! (uploading timeslip to timeslip system shortly)
  9. yeh.. the cbc shafts are a major let down.. I'm in the process of getting some shafts made in different materal, to see if these cv's are infact stronger than the ford ones (unable to tell as the shafts snap too easily)
  10. broke a cv? factory one or one of those aftermarket cbc ones?
  11. 7am mate when your still stoned!
  12. well his changed his turbo setup. that's for sure.. it was never a high mount.. Is it still the t04z turbo?? cmon guys.. details
  13. yeah I just found out after I had asked the question Got a link I can see?
  14. I've got a GT40 sitting at home.. you could say its slightly "larger", brand new, but you would need a plate adaptor to suit t3...
  15. Hrmm, karmens car has been in hiding for some time... good to see him out running a good time again. Does anyone know if this was with his 4 speed auto, or if he got a 3speed put in there?
  16. 12. VIC George Ioannou BA XR6 Sedan Heathcote Park 10.769 129 wasnt that the one just removed from the forums timeslip system because it had the timeslip with a 2.6 60foot, 10.769, with 139mph dated 2004.. yet at big vic weekend in 2006 recorded 300rwkw??
  17. I think you'd have problems more with your 5speed man even before you look down the path of launch control :D
  18. so dillz.. you organised the cruise yet? or is it gonna be a prinny hwy stake out
  19. It would seem that planterys are going to be the weak point.. Really need a aftermarket unit here
  20. I think the main killer is axle tramp.. the rough beating during axle tramp on the plantery's cause this.. But ultimately they are not that strong.
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