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Everything posted by Headsex

  1. I'm looking at XRDOSE's timeslip from today(2.39pm) showing 116mph. that's when you crossed the 1000' mark, the time gets displayed, you hadnt past the 1/4mile marker yet. Considering you were one of the few first cars up, it wouldnt suprise me if its somethig misconfigured..
  2. having a 1000' and ET of the same time indicates that something with the timing is wrong, as asll as a 24mph Maybe they had the computer misconfigured for 1000' or something Someone else who ran today had a 1000' of 10.719, and a ET of 12.676, with 116mph. using drag racing math, I think to do a 11.6, a 2.6 60foot time, would need a MPH im guessing of 135 at least..
  3. Im sorry, But there seems to be a major timing issue there.. 24 mph end of track? NOT 124MPH.. both video and timesheet reflect that. What were your other runs? you cross the line around 24-25 seconds in the video...
  4. well.. Do I feel very overhung from lastnights gunns n roses cover band at croydon gardens!! damn.. I should go wash my car huh!
  5. so car sales link doesn twork.. what did you get ?
  6. haha didnt say I was volunteering!
  7. Should I organise a Map for people who dunno how to get there?? Or should I just lead the way like the last cruise?? LOL But it will be relatively straight forward.. All the way down nepean hwy, through frankston, onto the Mornington Peninsula Fwy until the end. Turn right at the end towards the beachline, and then left onto Point Nepean Road, continue until the desired destination! Ohh have some coinage for the parking meters! not sure how much it is.. it wasnt expensive from memory!
  8. Its forecast for rain .. But as if they can see that far ahead accurately!! Bastards
  9. Yeah.. I really think they both wanna Double ###### each other....
  10. A wife? What for? I have everything I need!
  11. The Official Meet point is Nepean HWY Service lane, basically out the front of President ford at 10am, and a 10:45am Leave time. This will give us GOOD access to return onto the Hwy at once, without people left behind at lights. ETC. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&hl=...mp;t=h&z=18
  12. haha, its from Kevin Smiths new movie "Zack and Miri make a porno".. If you havent reconised the guy, Its "Jay" from Jay n silent bob Pisser!
  13. ladies.. Both Worm and Rspec... You both need to double ###### ...
  14. its interesting to see the internals of a ZF, I recall seeing one opened some time ago, and noticed that the plantery carrier (as pictured above) is formed out of pressed sheet or some kinda process like that, rather than cast and machined.. Also interesting to see the plantery gears have e-longated the holes they rest on.. would have contributed to earily failure also. And of course.. the input shaft failure
  15. Street and strip are 2 totally different things. I've been beaten on the street by cars that are slower than me at the strip. especially when you do "rollers"..
  16. Software update? From who? I think Capa gave up pressuring SCT to develop something for them.. Now look at it, I think Capa have pushed all their boxes to Repco stores, and Herrods are now resellers for SCT.
  17. You need access to the PCM.. Its through Neither Capa, or HP Tuners.. Or anyone.... Just something I've been toying with for a while
  18. Kinda correct, a bad tune will kill a motor at ANY power level Too much power will not kill a stock bottom end, too much torque would do it.. Bad batch will make a difference if its tuned right to the edge of detonation BEFORE the bad batch. Keep torque down (ie, power) coming on boost, avoid detonation/pinging especially at the region coming on boost, and dont load up the engine in a taller gear in a manual. Its been proven you can push HIGH RWKW out of these engines, but keeping a nice balance of midrange torque, and precice boost control And yeah, Don't bounce of rev limiter as that will hurt your pump.... and your pocket
  19. You cannot alter the pressures "as such" with the CAPA, HPTuners, or Sniper products.. Those guys haven't cracked the TCM computer yet. :yawn: that's right.. That Torque table has a direct relation to pressure modifier tables within the TCM itself, if you are unable to modify those tables.. Your stuffed. If you go higher than approx 650 in the PCM's torque table, the TCM is going to request a different torque source, and essentially it will close the throttle on you. So you need to change the "Max Torque" figure in the TCM as well.. But for those who are unable to do that.. Your stuck with playing with a balance of playing with the Torque Table, and Torque reductions to get a nice balance. Or Manually modifying the valvebody to get more pressure, which I believe something along those lines has been done to Mauz's Box.
  20. Dude... Your cars overboosting on the standard tune, and hitting the boost cut... Disconnect the battery all you want, all its going to do is forget the Short term fuel trims which give you your good fuel economy during cruising!
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