Well, After having a few phone calls and SMS's this morning, I have done some research and have found that SCT have locked out the use of XCAL1 flash boxes, and soon XCAL2 flash boxes. What this means is, If you want to do more custom tuning on your car with your xcal1 or xcal2 flashbox, you will need to buy a XCAL3. From what I understand, CAPA had introduced a "Unlocking service" of flash boxes, essentually unlocking a flashbox once it had programmed a car, recycling this box for use on another car. Which means, Less revenue for SCT as they were no longer selling as many boxes. Seems SCT got smart and fixed the problem by locking out use of all XCAL1 and soon XCAL2 flash devices. Dont you love the politics that continually emerge from this industry? danny.